Helena Barnard
Helena Barnard
Professor, Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), University of Pretoria
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Emerging multinationals, emerging theory: Macro-and micro-level perspectives
P Gammeltoft, H Barnard, A Madhok
Journal of International Management 16 (2), 95-101, 2010
The global platform economy: A new offshoring institution enabling emerging-economy microproviders
V Lehdonvirta, O Kässi, I Hjorth, H Barnard, M Graham
Journal of management 45 (2), 567-599, 2019
The risks and rewards of online gig work at the global margins
M Graham, V Lehdonvirta, A Wood, H Barnard, I Hjorth, P D Simon
Oxford Internet Institute, 2017
Overcoming the liability of foreignness without strong firm capabilities—the value of market-based resources
H Barnard
Journal of International Management 16 (2), 165-176, 2010
Africa Business Research as a Laboratory for Theory-Building: Extreme Conditions, New Phenomena, and Alternative Paradigms of Social Relationships
H Barnard, A Cuervo-Cazurra, S Manning
Management and Organization Review 13 (3), 467-495, 2017
Escape FDI and the dynamics of a cumulative process of institutional misalignment and contestation: Stress, strain and failure
H Barnard, JM Luiz
Journal of World Business 53 (5), 605-619, 2018
Connections to distant knowledge: Interpersonal ties between more-and less-developed countries
DZ Levin, H Barnard
Journal of International Business Studies 44 (7), 676-698, 2013
Technology management routines that matter to technology managers
DZ Levin, H Barnard
International Journal of Technology Management 41 (1-2), 22-37, 2008
To share or not to share: The role of affect in knowledge sharing by individuals in a diaspora
H Barnard, C Pendock
Journal of International Management 19 (1), 47-65, 2013
Do firms from emerging markets have to invest abroad? Outward FDI and the competitiveness of firms
J Cantwell, H Barnard
The Rise of Transnational Corporations from Emerging Markets: Threat or …, 2008
Online labour markets–leveling the playing field for international service markets
V Lehdonvirta, H Barnard, M Graham, I Hjorth
Proceedings of IPP, 2014
Online labour markets and the persistence of personal networks: evidence from workers in Southeast Asia
V Lehdonvirta, I Hjorth, M Graham, H Barnard
ASA Annual Meeting 2015 session on The Changing Nature of Work, 2015
How Demand Sophistication (De‐) limits Economic Upgrading: Comparing the Film Industries of South Africa and Nigeria (Nollywood)
H Barnard, K Tuomi
Industry and Innovation 15 (6), 647-668, 2008
Global excellence at the expense of local diffusion, or a bridge between two worlds? Research in science and technology in the developing world
H Barnard, R Cowan, M Müller
Research Policy 41 (4), 756-769, 2012
Migrants, migration policies, and international business research: Current trends and new directions
H Barnard, D Deeds, R Mudambi, PM Vaaler
Journal of International Business Policy 2, 275–288, 2019
The Africa we want and the Africa we see: How scholarship from Africa stands to enrich global scholarship
H Barnard
Africa Journal of Management 6 (2), 132-143, 2020
The evolution of the intellectual property management strategy of an emerging multinational: learning the purpose of patenting and scientific publications
T Bromfield, H Barnard
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 57 (1), 118-131, 2010
Exploring the everyday dynamics of dynamic capabilities
D Dougherty, H Barnard, D Dunne
On religion as an institution in international business: Executives’ lived experience in four African countries
H Barnard, A Mamabolo
Journal of World Business 57 (1), 101262, 2022
Host countries' level of development and internationalization from emerging markets: A typology of firm strategies
H Barnard
Journal of International Management 27 (3), 100828, 2021
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