Madeleine O. Hosli
Madeleine O. Hosli
Professor of International Relations
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Coalitions and power: Effects of qualified majority voting in the Council of the European Union
MO Hosli
J. Common Mkt. Stud. 34, 255, 1996
Brussels between Bern and Berlin: comparative federalism meets the European Union
TA Börzel, MO Hosli
Governance 16 (2), 179-202, 2003
Who has power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in legislative decision‐making
R Thomson, M Hosli
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (2), 391-417, 2006
Admission of European Free Trade Association states to the European Community: effects on voting power in the European Community Council of Ministers
MO Hosli
International Organization 47 (4), 629-643, 1993
The balance between small and large: Effects of a double-majority system on voting power in the European Union
MO Hosli
International Studies Quarterly 39 (3), 351-370, 1995
Voting in the Council of the European Union after the 2004 enlargement: A comparison of old and new member states
MO Hosli, M Mattila, M Uriot
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (6), 1249-1270, 2011
The creation of the European economic and monetary union (EMU): intergovernmental negotiations and two-level games
MO Hosli
Journal of European Public Policy 7 (5), 744-766, 2000
Voting strength in the European Parliament: The influence of national and of partisan actors
MO Hosli
European Journal of Political Research 31 (3), 351-366, 1997
The Nice Treaty and voting rules in the Council: a reply to Moberg (2002)
MO Hosli, M Machover
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (3), 497-521, 2004
Power, connected coalitions, and efficiency: Challenges to the Council of the European Union
MO Hosli
International Political Science Review 20 (4), 371-391, 1999
Measuring national delegate positions at the convention on the future of Europe using computerized word scoring
K Benoit, M Laver, C Arnold, P Pennings, MO Hosli
European Union Politics 6 (3), 291-313, 2005
Pre-and post-Lisbon: European Union voting in the United Nations general assembly
X Jin, MO Hosli
Decision making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty, 154-171, 2017
Squaring the circle? Collective and distributive effects of United Nations Security Council reform
MO Hosli, R Moody, B O’Donovan, S Kaniovski, ACH Little
The Review of International Organizations 6, 163-187, 2011
Voting cohesion in the United Nations General Assembly: the case of the European Union
MO Hosli, E Van Kampen, F Meijerink, K Tennis
ECPR Fifth Pan-European Conference 24, 2010
Putting citizens first: Representation and power in the European Union
F Pukelsheim
Institutional design and voting power in the European Union, 259-278, 2016
Why is change so slow? Assessing prospects for United Nations Security Council reform
MO Hosli, T Dörfler
Journal of Economic Policy Reform 22 (1), 35-50, 2019
Explaining legislative decision-making in the European Union
R Thomson, MO Hosli
The European Union Decides, 1-24, 2006
From bioethanol containing fuels towards a fuel economy that includes methanol derived from renewable sources and the impact on European Union decision-making on transition …
TB Bonenkamp, LM Middelburg, MO Hosli, RF Wolffenbuttel
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 120, 109667, 2020
Decision-making in the European Union: The power of political parties
JM Colomer, MO Hosli, JE Lane, S Berg, R Maeland
Decision Rules in the European Union: A Rational Choice Perspective, 234-265, 2000
National representation in international organizations: the seat allocation model implicit in the European Union Council and Parliament
R Taagepera, MO Hosli
Political studies 54 (2), 370-398, 2006
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