Light scattering in solids IX M Cardona, R Merlin
Light Scattering in Solid IX, 1-14, 2007
3399 * 2007 Infrared and Raman spectra of the silicon-hydrogen bonds in amorphous silicon prepared by glow discharge and sputtering MH Brodsky, M Cardona, JJ Cuomo
Physical Review B 16 (8), 3556, 1977
2092 1977 Modulation spectroscopy M Cardona
Solid State Phys. 11, 1969
1925 * 1969 Stress-induced shifts of first-order Raman frequencies of diamond-and zinc-blende-type semiconductors F Cerdeira, CJ Buchenauer, FH Pollak, M Cardona
Physical Review B 5 (2), 580, 1972
1148 1972 Interband critical points of GaAs and their temperature dependence P Lautenschlager, M Garriga, S Logothetidis, M Cardona
Physical Review B 35 (17), 9174, 1987
1078 1987 Resonant raman scattering in ZnO JM Calleja, M Cardona
Physical Review B 16 (8), 3753, 1977
1057 1977 Fundamentals of semiconductors: physics and materials properties YU Peter, M Cardona
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
1035 2010 The origin of visible luminescencefrom “porous silicon”: A new interpretation MS Brandt, HD Fuchs, M Stutzmann, J Weber, M Cardona
Solid State Communications 81 (4), 307-312, 1992
1035 1992 Piezo-Electroreflectance in Ge, GaAs, and Si FH Pollak, M Cardona
Physical Review 172 (3), 816, 1968
1003 1968 Optical Properties and Band Structure of SrTi and BaTi M Cardona
Physical Review 140 (2A), A651, 1965
1002 1965 Temperature dependence of the first-order Raman scattering by phonons in Si, Ge, and α− S n: Anharmonic effects J Menéndez, M Cardona
Physical Review B 29 (4), 2051, 1984
962 1984 Temperature dependence of the dielectric function of germanium L Vina, S Logothetidis, M Cardona
Physical Review B 30 (4), 1979, 1984
948 1984 Temperature dependence of the dielectric function and interband critical points in silicon P Lautenschlager, M Garriga, L Vina, M Cardona
Physical Review B 36 (9), 4821, 1987
933 1987 Electroreflectance at a semiconductor-electrolyte interface M Cardona, KL Shaklee, FH Pollak
Physical Review 154 (3), 696, 1967
911 1967 Effect of static uniaxial stress on the Raman spectrum of silicon E Anastassakis, A Pinczuk, E Burstein, FH Pollak, M Cardona
Solid State Communications 88 (11-12), 1053-1058, 1993
847 1993 Optical properties of the silver and cuprous halides M Cardona
Physical Review 129 (1), 69, 1963
761 1963 Energy-band structure of germanium and silicon: The k· p method M Cardona, FH Pollak
Physical Review 142 (2), 530, 1966
750 1966 Acoustic deformation potentials and heterostructure band offsets in semiconductors M Cardona, NE Christensen
Physical Review B 35 (12), 6182, 1987
679 1987 Optical properties and band structure of wurtzite-type crystals and rutile M Cardona, G Harbeke
Physical Review 137 (5A), A1467, 1965
672 1965 Vibrational spectra of hydrogen in silicon and germanium M Cardona
Phys. Status Solidi B;(German Democratic Republic) 118 (2), 1983
632 1983