Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sara Kleindienst
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sara Kleindienst
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Predominant archaea in marine sediments degrade detrital proteins
KG Lloyd, L Schreiber, DG Petersen, KU Kjeldsen, MA Lever, AD Steen, ...
Nature 496 (7444), 215-218, 2013
Chemical dispersants can suppress the activity of natural oil-degrading microorganisms
S Kleindienst, M Seidel, K Ziervogel, S Grim, K Loftis, S Harrison, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (48), 14900-14905, 2015
Using dispersants after oil spills: impacts on the composition and activity of microbial communities
S Kleindienst, JH Paul, SB Joye
Nature Reviews Microbiology 13 (6), 388-396, 2015
Microbial anaerobic Fe (II) oxidation–ecology, mechanisms and environmental implications
C Bryce, N Blackwell, C Schmidt, J Otte, YM Huang, S Kleindienst, ...
Environmental microbiology 20 (10), 3462-3483, 2018
Interpretations of environmental microbial community studies are biased by the selected 16S rRNA (gene) amplicon sequencing pipeline
D Straub, N Blackwell, A Langarica-Fuentes, A Peltzer, S Nahnsen, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 550420, 2020
Impact of natural oil and higher hydrocarbons on microbial diversity, distribution, and activity in Gulf of Mexico cold-seep sediments
BN Orcutt, SB Joye, S Kleindienst, K Knittel, A Ramette, A Reitz, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (21-23), 2008-2021, 2010
Diverse sulfate-reducing bacteria of the Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus clade are the key alkane degraders at marine seeps
S Kleindienst, FA Herbst, M Stagars, F Von Netzer, M Von Bergen, ...
The ISME journal 8 (10), 2029-2044, 2014
Diverse, rare microbial taxa responded to the Deepwater Horizon deep-sea hydrocarbon plume
S Kleindienst, S Grim, M Sogin, A Bracco, M Crespo-Medina, SB Joye
The ISME Journal 10 (2), 400-415, 2016
Distribution and in situ abundance of sulfate‐reducing bacteria in diverse marine hydrocarbon seep sediments
S Kleindienst, A Ramette, R Amann, K Knittel
Environmental microbiology 14 (10), 2689-2710, 2012
A biogeochemical–hydrological framework for the role of redox-active compounds in aquatic systems
S Peiffer, A Kappler, SB Haderlein, C Schmidt, JM Byrne, S Kleindienst, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (5), 264-272, 2021
Enhanced gene detection assays for fumarate-adding enzymes allow uncovering of anaerobic hydrocarbon degraders in terrestrial and marine systems
F von Netzer, G Pilloni, S Kleindienst, M Krüger, K Knittel, F Gründger, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (2), 543-552, 2013
Spatial and temporal evolution of groundwater arsenic contamination in the Red River delta, Vietnam: Interplay of mobilisation and retardation processes
E Stopelli, VT Duyen, TT Mai, PTK Trang, PH Viet, A Lightfoot, R Kipfer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 717, 137143, 2020
Insights into nitrate-reducing Fe (II) oxidation mechanisms through analysis of cell-mineral associations, cell encrustation, and mineralogy in the chemolithoautotrophic …
M Nordhoff, C Tominski, M Halama, JM Byrne, M Obst, S Kleindienst, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83 (13), e00752-17, 2017
Responses of microbial communities to hydrocarbon exposures
SB Joye, S Kleindienst, JA Gilbert, KM Handley, P Weisenhorn, ...
Oceanography 29 (3), 136-149, 2016
Role of in Situ Natural Organic Matter in Mobilizing As during Microbial Reduction of FeIII-Mineral-Bearing Aquifer Sediments from Hanoi (Vietnam)
M Glodowska, E Stopelli, M Schneider, A Lightfoot, B Rathi, D Straub, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (7), 4149-4159, 2020
The distribution of active iron‐cycling bacteria in marine and freshwater sediments is decoupled from geochemical gradients
JM Otte, J Harter, K Laufer, N Blackwell, D Straub, A Kappler, ...
Environmental Microbiology 20 (7), 2483-2499, 2018
N2O formation by nitrite-induced (chemo)denitrification in coastal marine sediment
JM Otte, N Blackwell, R Ruser, A Kappler, S Kleindienst, C Schmidt
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10691, 2019
‘Candidatus Dichloromethanomonas elyunquensis’ gen. nov., sp. nov., a dichloromethane-degrading anaerobe of the Peptococcaceae family
S Kleindienst, SA Higgins, D Tsementzi, G Chen, KT Konstantinidis, ...
Systematic and applied microbiology 40 (3), 150-159, 2017
Biodegradation of crude oil and dispersants in deep seawater from the Gulf of Mexico: Insights from ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry
M Seidel, S Kleindienst, T Dittmar, SB Joye, PM Medeiros
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 129, 108-118, 2016
Arsenic mobilization by anaerobic iron-dependent methane oxidation
M Glodowska, E Stopelli, M Schneider, B Rathi, D Straub, A Lightfoot, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 1 (1), 42, 2020
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