Venera Khoromskaia
Venera Khoromskaia
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Multigrid accelerated tensor approximation of function related multidimensional arrays
BN Khoromskij, V Khoromskaia
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (4), 3002-3026, 2009
Low rank Tucker-type tensor approximation to classical potentials
B Khoromskij, V Khoromskaia
Open Mathematics 5 (3), 523-550, 2007
Numerical solution of the Hartree–Fock equation in multilevel tensor-structured format
BN Khoromskij, V Khoromskaia, HJ Flad
SIAM journal on scientific computing 33 (1), 45-65, 2011
Tensor numerical methods in quantum chemistry: from Hartree–Fock to excitation energies
V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (47), 31491-31509, 2015
Tensor decomposition in electronic structure calculations on 3D Cartesian grids
BN Khoromskij, V Khoromskaia, SR Chinnamsetty, HJ Flad
Journal of computational physics 228 (16), 5749-5762, 2009
Tensor-structured factorized calculation of two-electron integrals in a general basis
V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij, R Schneider
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (2), A987-A1010, 2013
Tensor Numerical Methods in Quantum Chemistry
V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
Walter de Gruyter, 2018
Grid-based lattice summation of electrostatic potentials by assembled rank-structured tensor approximation
V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
Computer Physics Communications 185 (12), 3162-3174, 2014
Numerical solution of the Hartree-Fock equation by multilevel tensor-structured methods
V Khoromskaia
Fast and accurate 3D tensor calculation of the Fock operator in a general basis
V Khoromskaia, D Andrae, BN Khoromskij
Computer physics communications 183 (11), 2392-2404, 2012
QTT representation of the Hartree and exchange operators in electronic structure calculations
V Khoromskaia, B Khoromskij, R Schneider
Computational methods in applied mathematics 11 (3), 327-341, 2011
Computation of the Hartree-Fock exchange by the tensor-structured methods
V Khoromskaia
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 10 (2), 204-218, 2010
Black-box Hartree–Fock solver by tensor numerical methods
V Khoromskaia
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 14 (1), 89-111, 2014
A reduced basis approach for calculation of the Bethe–Salpeter excitation energies by using low-rank tensor factorisations
P Benner, V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
Molecular Physics 114 (7-8), 1148-1161, 2016
Møller–Plesset (MP2) energy correction using tensor factorization of the grid-based two-electron integrals
V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
Computer Physics Communications 185 (1), 2-10, 2014
Fast iterative solution of the Bethe-Salpeter eigenvalue problem using low-rank and QTT tensor approximation
P Benner, S Dolgov, V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
Journal of Computational Physics 334, 221-239, 2017
Tucker tensor analysis of Matérn functions in spatial statistics
A Litvinenko, D Keyes, V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij, HG Matthies
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 19 (1), 101-122, 2019
Range-separated tensor format for many-particle modeling
P Benner, V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2), A1034-A1062, 2018
Fast tensor method for summation of long‐range potentials on 3D lattices with defects
V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij
Numerical linear algebra with applications 23 (2), 249-271, 2016
Tensor product method for fast solution of optimal control problems with fractional multidimensional Laplacian in constraints
G Heidel, V Khoromskaia, BN Khoromskij, V Schulz
Journal of Computational Physics 424, 109865, 2021
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