Lars Kaczmirek
Lars Kaczmirek
AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive, Universität Wien
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Cognitive burden of survey questions and response times: A psycholinguistic experiment
T Lenzner, L Kaczmirek, A Lenzner
Applied cognitive psychology 24 (7), 1003-1020, 2010
Prenotification in web-based access panel surveys: The influence of mobile text messaging versus e-mail on response rates and sample composition
M Bosnjak, W Neubarth, MP Couper, W Bandilla, L Kaczmirek
Social Science Computer Review 26 (2), 213-223, 2008
Social and behavioral research and the internet: Advances in applied methods and research strategies
JWM Das, P Ester, L Kaczmirek
Taylor & Francis, 2010
Human-Survey Interaction: Usability and Nonresponse in Online Surveys
L Kaczmirek
Universität Mannheim, 2008
Seeing through the eyes of the respondent: An eye-tracking study on survey question comprehension
T Lenzner, L Kaczmirek, M Galesic
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 23 (3), 361-373, 2011
Asking probing questions in web surveys: which factors have an impact on the quality of responses?
D Behr, L Kaczmirek, W Bandilla, M Braun
Social Science Computer Review 30 (4), 487-498, 2012
How do respondents attend to verbal labels in rating scales?
N Menold, L Kaczmirek, T Lenzner, A Neusar
Field methods 26 (1), 21-39, 2014
Item comparability in cross-national surveys: Results from asking probing questions in cross-national web surveys about attitudes towards civil disobedience
D Behr, M Braun, L Kaczmirek, W Bandilla
Quality & Quantity 48, 127-148, 2014
Web probing-implementing probing techniques from cognitive interviewing in web surveys with the goal to assess the validity of survey questions (Version 1.0)
D Behr, K Meitinger, M Braun, L Kaczmirek
DEU, 2017
Assessing cross-national equivalence of measures of xenophobia: Evidence from probing in web surveys
M Braun, D Behr, L Kaczmirek
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 25 (3), 383-395, 2013
Sample composition discrepancies in different stages of a probability-based online panel
M Bosnjak, I Haas, M Galesic, L Kaczmirek, W Bandilla, MP Couper
Field Methods 25 (4), 339-360, 2013
Coverage-und Nonresponse-Effekte bei Online-Bevölkerungsumfragen
W Bandilla, L Kaczmirek, M Blohm, W Neubarth
Sozialforschung im internet: methodologie und Praxis der Online-Befragung …, 2009
Three methods for occupation coding based on statistical learning
H Gweon, M Schonlau, L Kaczmirek, M Blohm, S Steiner
Journal of Official Statistics 33 (1), 101-122, 2017
Social and behavioral research and the internet: Advances in applied methods and research strategies
A Scherpenzeel, M Das, P Ester, L Kaczmirek
Taylor & Francis, 2010
The mode of invitation for web surveys
W Bandilla, MP Couper, L Kaczmirek
Survey Practice 5 (3), 2012
Testing the validity of gender ideology items by implementing probing questions in web surveys
D Behr, M Braun, L Kaczmirek, W Bandilla
Field Methods 25 (2), 124-141, 2013
Survey design for visually impaired and blind people
L Kaczmirek, KG Wolff
Universal Acess in Human Computer Interaction. Coping with Diversity: 4th …, 2007
Internet survey software tools
L Kaczmirek
The Handbook of Online Research Methods, 236-254, 2008
Building a probability-based online panel: Life in Australia™
L Kaczmirek, B Phillips, D Pennay, PJ Lavrakas, D Neiger
The Australian National University, 2019
Web surveys. A brief guide on usability and implementation Issues
L Kaczmirek
WebSM Guide, 2005
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