Jan Philipp Schägner
Jan Philipp Schägner
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Mapping ecosystem services for policy support and decision making in the European Union
J Maes, B Egoh, L Willemen, C Liquete, P Vihervaara, JP Schägner, ...
Ecosystem services 1 (1), 31-39, 2012
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services
J Maes, A Teller, M Erhard, C Liquete, L Braat, P Berry, B Egoh, ...
An analytical framework for ecosystem assessments under action 5, 1-58, 2013
Mapping cultural ecosystem services: A framework to assess the potential for outdoor recreation across the EU
ML Paracchini, G Zulian, L Kopperoinen, J Maes, JP Schägner, ...
Ecological indicators 45, 371-385, 2014
Mapping ecosystem services' values: Current practice and future prospects
JP Schägner, L Brander, J Maes, V Hartje
Ecosystem services 4, 33-46, 2013
Mapping recreational visits and values of European National Parks by combining statistical modelling and unit value transfer
JP Schägner, L Brander, J Maes, ML Paracchini, V Hartje
Journal for Nature Conservation 31, 71-84, 2016
Klimaschutz durch Moorschutz
M Drösler, W Adelmann, J Augustin
Klimaschutz und Anpassung an die Klimafolgen; Mahammadzadeh/Biebeler/Bardt …, 2009
Monitoring recreation across European nature areas: A geo-database of visitor counts, a review of literature and a call for a visitor counting reporting standard
JP Schägner, J Maes, L Brander, ML Paracchini, V Hartje, G Dubois
Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism 18, 44-55, 2017
Klimaschutz durch Moorschutz in der Praxis: Ergebnisse aus dem BMBF-Verbundprojekt „Klimaschutz-Moornutzungsstrategien “2006-2010
M Drösler
TI: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 2011
Mapping ecosystem services for policy support and decision making in the European Union. Ecosyst. Serv. 1, 31–39
J Maes, B Egoh, L Willemen, C Liquete, P Vihervaara, JP Schägner, ...
Exploring restoration options for habitats, species and ecosystem services in the European Union
BN Egoh, ML Paracchini, G Zulian, JP Schägner, G Bidoglio
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (4), 899-908, 2014
Visitors count! Guidance for protected areas on the economic analysis of visitation
A Spenceley, JP Schagner, B Engels, CC Thomas, M Engelbauer, ...
Spatial dimensions of recreational ecosystem service values: A review of meta-analyses and a combination of meta-analytic value-transfer and GIS
JP Schägner, L Brander, ML Paracchini, J Maes, F Gollnow, B Bertzky
Ecosystem Services 31, 395-409, 2018
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and Their Services—An Analytical Framework for Ecosystem Assessments under Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020; 2013
J Maes, A Teller, M Erhard, C Liquete, L Braat, P Berry, B Egoh, ...
MAESWorkingPaper2013. pdf, 2013
Economic values for ecosystem services: A global synthesis and way forward
LM Brander, R de Groot, JP Schägner, V Guisado-Goni, V van't Hoff, ...
Ecosystem Services 66, 101606, 2024
Do drivers of nature visitation vary spatially? The importance of context for understanding visitation of nature areas in Europe and North America
AS Gosal, ML Giannichi, M Beckmann, A Comber, JR Massenberg, ...
Science of The Total Environment 776, 145190, 2021
Die Bedeutung der kommunalen Wirtschaft
P Richter
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2007
On the potential use of the Ecosystem Services Valuation Database for valuation in the System of Environmental Economic Accounting
L Brander, JP Schägner, R de Groot
One Ecosystem 7, e85085, 2022
Monetäre Bewertung ökologischer Leistungen des Agrarholzanbaus
JP Schägner
Anbau und Nutzung von Bäumen auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen, 171-180, 2009
Klimaschutz durch Moorschutz. Schlussbericht des Vorhabens" Klimaschutz-Moornutzungsstrategien" 2006–2010
M Drösler, W Adelmann, J Augustin, L Bergmann, C Beyer, B Chojnicki, ...
Tech. Univ. München, V.(Ed.), München 201, 2013
Moorrenaturierung als Klimaschutzmaßnahme
JP Schägner
Ökologisches Wirtschaften-Fachzeitschrift 24 (1), 2009
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