Jie Ying Wu
Jie Ying Wu
Assistant Professor in CS, Vanderbilt University
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A review of augmented reality in robotic-assisted surgery
L Qian, JY Wu, SP DiMaio, N Navab, P Kazanzides
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics 2 (1), 1-16, 2019
A county-level dataset for informing the United States' response to COVID-19
BD Killeen, JY Wu, K Shah, A Zapaishchykova, P Nikutta, A Tamhane, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.00756, 2020
Neural network based inverse dynamics identification and external force estimation on the da Vinci Research Kit
N Yilmaz, JY Wu, P Kazanzides, U Tumerdem
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1387-1393, 2020
Relational graph learning on visual and kinematics embeddings for accurate gesture recognition in robotic surgery
Y Long, JY Wu, B Lu, Y Jin, M Unberath, YH Liu, PA Heng, Q Dou
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 13346 …, 2021
Open simulation environment for learning and practice of robot-assisted surgical suturing
A Munawar, JY Wu, GS Fischer, RH Taylor, P Kazanzides
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 3843-3850, 2022
A deep learning approach to intrinsic force sensing on the da Vinci surgical robot
N Tran, JY Wu, A Deguet, P Kazanzides
2020 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 25-32, 2020
FPGA-based velocity estimation for control of robots with low-resolution encoders
JY Wu, Z Chen, A Deguet, P Kazanzides
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Cross-modal self-supervised representation learning for gesture and skill recognition in robotic surgery
JY Wu, A Tamhane, P Kazanzides, M Unberath
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 16, 779-787, 2021
Carts: Causality-driven robot tool segmentation from vision and kinematics data
H Ding, J Zhang, P Kazanzides, JY Wu, M Unberath
International conference on medical image computing and computer-assisted …, 2022
Leveraging vision and kinematics data to improve realism of biomechanic soft tissue simulation for robotic surgery
JY Wu, P Kazanzides, M Unberath
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 15, 811-818, 2020
Quantitative analysis of ultrasound images for computer-aided diagnosis
JY Wu, A Tuomi, MD Beland, J Konrad, D Glidden, D Grand, D Merck
Journal of medical imaging 3 (1), 014501-014501, 2016
Augmented-reality surgery to guide head and neck cancer re-resection: a feasibility and accuracy study
K Prasad, A Miller, K Sharif, JM Colazo, W Ye, F Necker, F Baik, ...
Annals of surgical oncology 30 (8), 4994-5000, 2023
An interpretable approach to automated severity scoring in pelvic trauma
A Zapaishchykova, D Dreizin, Z Li, JY Wu, S Faghihroohi, M Unberath
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
Improving ultrasound detection of uterine adenomyosis through computational texture analysis
J Konrad, D Merck, JY Wu, A Tuomi, M Beland
Ultrasound Quarterly 34 (1), 29-31, 2018
Robot force estimation with learned intraoperative correction
JY Wu, N Yilmaz, U Tumerdem, P Kazanzides
2021 International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), 1-7, 2021
Surgical tool classification and localization: results and methods from the MICCAI 2022 SurgToolLoc challenge
A Zia, K Bhattacharyya, X Liu, M Berniker, Z Wang, R Nespolo, S Kondo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.07152, 2023
A framework for customizable multi-user teleoperated control
A Munawar, JY Wu, RH Taylor, P Kazanzides, GS Fischer
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 3256-3263, 2021
Quantitative ultrasound texture analysis for clinical decision making support
JY Wu, M Beland, J Konrad, A Tuomi, D Glidden, D Grand, D Merck
Medical Imaging 2015: Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography 9419, 183-191, 2015
Lumipath–towards real-time physically-based rendering on embedded devices
L Fink, SC Lee, JY Wu, X Liu, T Song, Y Velikova, M Stamminger, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd …, 2019
Depth Anything in Medical Images: A Comparative Study
JJ Han, A Acar, C Henry, JY Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.16600, 2024
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