Valentin Riemer
Valentin Riemer
Ulm University
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Learning with quizzes, simulations, and adventures: Students' attitudes, perceptions and intentions to learn with different types of serious games
V Riemer, C Schrader
Computers & Education 88, 160-168, 2015
Integrated questionnaires: Maintaining presence in game environments for self-reported data acquisition
J Frommel, K Rogers, J Brich, D Besserer, L Bradatsch, I Ortinau, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2015
Rising to the challenge: an emotion-driven approach toward adaptive serious games
C Schrader, J Brich, J Frommel, V Riemer, K Rogers
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications: Volume II, 3-28, 2017
Impacts of behavioral engagement and self-monitoring on the development of mental models through serious games: Inferences from in-game measures
V Riemer, C Schrader
Computers in Human Behavior 64, 264-273, 2016
Mental model development in multimedia learning: Interrelated effects of emotions and self-monitoring
V Riemer, C Schrader
Frontiers in psychology 10, 899, 2019
Exotic animal companions and the personality of their owners
A Hergovich, I Mauerer, V Riemer
Anthrozoös 24 (3), 317-327, 2011
Mobile augmented reality as an orientation aid: a scavenger hunt prototype
K Rogers, J Frommel, L Breier, S Celik, H Kramer, S Kreidel, J Brich, ...
2015 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 172-175, 2015
Playing to learn or to win? The role of students’ competition preference on self-monitoring and learning outcome when learning with a serious game
V Riemer, C Schrader
Interactive Learning Environments 30 (10), 1838-1850, 2022
Identifying features of bodily expression as indicators of emotional experience during multimedia learning
V Riemer, J Frommel, G Layher, H Neumann, C Schrader
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1303, 2017
The Interplay of Cognitive Load, Learners’ Resources and Self-regulation
T Seufert, V Hamm, A Vogt, V Riemer
Educational Psychology Review 36 (2), 1-30, 2024
Reaching the mobile respondent: Determinants of high-level mobile phone use among a high-coverage group
C Burger, V Riemer, J Grafeneder, B Woisetschläger, D Vidovic, ...
Social Science Computer Review 28 (3), 336-349, 2010
LiverDefense: how to employ a tower defense game as a customisable research tool
J Brich, K Rogers, J Frommel, M Weidhaas, A Brückner, S Mirabile, ...
The Visual Computer 33, 429-442, 2017
Validation of the ViGaTu Immersive Virtual Reality Endoscopy Training System for Physicians and Nurses.
D Henniger, M Engelke, J Kreiser, V Riemer, E Wierzba, S Dimitriadis, ...
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Liver Diseases 33 (2), 2024
Prävention von Ballsportunfällen an Schulen mittels eines „serious game “: Konzeptvorstellung und begleitende Evaluation
V Riemer, C Schrader, O Pollatos
Pra¨ vention Und Gesundheitsfo¨ rderung 17 (3), 291, 2021
Advancing understanding and assessment of learner-state characteristics associated with complex cognitive skill acquisition during learning with serious games
V Riemer
Universität Ulm, 2020
Time-dependent relations between emotion regulation, frustration, and metacognitive strategy use in technology-mediated learning
V Riemer
Cognition and Emotion, 1-10, 2024
Beyond cognition-adaptive technology for individualized learning
V Riemer, J Frommel, T Seufert
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1428974, 2024
Das Lernkonzept „ViGaTu–Virtueller Gastrotutor “
M Engelke, A Hann, D Henniger, A Meining, T Seufert, V Riemer, ...
Endo-Praxis 39 (04), 199-204, 2023
Sedierungstraining für die gastrointestinale Endoskopie: Virtual Reality vs konventionelles Seminar–eine randomisierte Studie
T Malzacher, D Henninger, M Engelke, J Kreiser, T Ropinski, E Wierzba, ...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 61 (08), KV281, 2023
ViGaTu–Erste Erfahrungen mit dem auf Virtual Reality basierten persönlichen Endoskopietrainer
D Henniger, V Riemer, M Engelke, J Kreiser, A Meining, T Ropinksi, ...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 60 (08), KA443, 2022
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