Thomas Schlechte
Thomas Schlechte
IVU Traffic Technologies AG
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An auctioning approach to railway slot allocation
R Borndörfer, M Grötschel, S Lukac, K Mitusch, T Schlechte, S Schultz, ...
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 1 (2), 163-196, 2006
Integrated optimization of rolling stock rotations for intercity railways
R Borndörfer, M Reuther, T Schlechte, K Waas, S Weider
Transportation Science 50 (3), 863-877, 2016
Micro–macro transformation of railway networks
T Schlechte, R Borndörfer, B Erol, T Graffagnino, E Swarat
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 1 (1), 38-48, 2011
05. Models for Railway Track Allocation
R Borndörfer, T Schlechte
7th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling …, 2007
Railway Track Allocation
T Schlechte
Operations Research Proceedings 2012: Selected Papers of the International …, 2013
Handbook of optimization in the railway industry
R Borndörfer, T Klug, L Lamorgese, C Mannino, M Reuther, T Schlechte
Springer, 2018
Recent success stories on integrated optimization of railway systems
R Borndörfer, T Klug, L Lamorgese, C Mannino, M Reuther, T Schlechte
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 74, 196-211, 2017
A column generation approach to airline crew scheduling
R Borndörfer, U Schelten, T Schlechte, S Weider
Operations Research Proceedings 2005: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2006
The freight train routing problem for congested railway networks with mixed traffic
R Borndörfer, T Klug, T Schlechte, A Fügenschuh, T Schang, H Schülldorf
Transportation Science 50 (2), 408-423, 2016
A hypergraph model for railway vehicle rotation planning
R Borndörfer, M Reuther, T Schlechte, S Weider
Railway track allocation by rapid branching
R Borndörfer, T Schlechte, S Weider
Solving railway track allocation problems
R Borndörfer, T Schlechte
Operations Research Proceedings 2007: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2008
Rapid branching
R Borndörfer, A Löbel, M Reuther, T Schlechte, S Weider
Public Transport 5 (1), 3-23, 2013
Solving time dependent shortest path problems on airway networks using super-optimal wind
M Blanco, R Borndörfer, ND Hoang, A Kaier, A Schienle, T Schlechte, ...
16th Workshop on algorithmic approaches for transportation modelling …, 2016
A direct comparison of physical block occupancy versus timed block occupancy in train timetabling formulations
S Harrod, T Schlechte
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 54, 50-66, 2013
Multi-period line planning with resource transfers
G Şahin, AA Digehsara, R Borndörfer, T Schlechte
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 119, 102726, 2020
TTPlib 2008-A library for train timetabling problems
B Erol, M Klemenz, T Schlechte, S Schultz, A Tanner
Cost projection methods for the shortest path problem with crossing costs
M Blanco, R Borndörfer, ND Hoang, A Kaier, P Maristany de las Casas, ...
Vehicle rotation planning for intercity railways
R Borndörfer, M Reuther, T Schlechte, S Weider
Balancing efficiency and robustness–a bi-criteria optimization approach to railway track allocation
T Schlechte, R Borndörfer
Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Energy and Transportation …, 2010
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