Yuan Feng
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Cited by
Measurements of mechanical anisotropy in brain tissue and implications for transversely isotropic material models of white matter
Y Feng, RJ Okamoto, R Namani, GM Genin, PV Bayly
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 23, 117-132, 2013
Relative brain displacement and deformation during constrained mild frontal head impact
Y Feng, TM Abney, RJ Okamoto, RB Pless, GM Genin, PV Bayly
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 (53), 1677-1688, 2010
Viscoelastic properties of the ferret brain measured in vivo at multiple frequencies by magnetic resonance elastography
Y Feng, EH Clayton, Y Chang, RJ Okamoto, PV Bayly
Journal of biomechanics 46 (5), 863-870, 2013
Characterizing white matter tissue in large strain via asymmetric indentation and inverse finite element modeling
Y Feng, CH Lee, L Sun, S Ji, X Zhao
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 65, 490-501, 2017
Biodegradable nanoagents with short biological half‐life for SPECT/PAI/MRI multimodality imaging and PTT therapy of tumors
L Chen, J Chen, S Qiu, L Wen, Y Wu, Y Hou, Y Wang, J Zeng, Y Feng, Z Li, ...
Small 14 (4), 1702700, 2018
Elastic Characterization of transversely isotropic soft materials by dynamic shear and asymmetric indentation
R Namani, Y Feng, RJ Okamoto, N Jesuraj, SE Sakiyama-Elbert, ...
Journal of biomechanical engineering 134 (6), 061004, 2012
A generalized method for the analysis of planar biaxial mechanical data using tethered testing configurations
W Zhang, Y Feng, CH Lee, KL Billiar, MS Sacks
Journal of biomechanical engineering 137 (6), 064501, 2015
On the accuracy and fitting of transversely isotropic material models
Y Feng, RJ Okamoto, GM Genin, PV Bayly
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 61, 554-566, 2016
A longitudinal study of the mechanical properties of injured brain tissue in a mouse model
Y Feng, Y Gao, T Wang, L Tao, S Qiu, X Zhao
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 71, 407-415, 2017
An adaptive fuzzy C‐means method utilizing neighboring information for breast tumor segmentation in ultrasound images
Y Feng, F Dong, X Xia, CH Hu, Q Fan, Y Hu, M Gao, S Mutic
Medical physics 44 (7), 3752-3760, 2017
Characterizing viscoelastic properties of breast cancer tissue in a mouse model using indentation
S Qiu, X Zhao, J Chen, J Zeng, S Chen, L Chen, Y Meng, B Liu, H Shan, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 69, 81-89, 2018
A longitudinal magnetic resonance elastography study of murine brain tumors following radiation therapy
Y Feng, EH Clayton, RJ Okamoto, J Engelbach, PV Bayly, JR Garbow
Physics in Medicine & Biology 61 (16), 6121, 2016
A comparative study of automatic image segmentation algorithms for target tracking in MR‐IGRT
Y Feng, I Kawrakow, J Olsen, PJ Parikh, C Noel, O Wooten, D Du, S Mutic, ...
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 17 (2), 441-460, 2016
Viscoelastic characterization of injured brain tissue after controlled cortical impact (CCI) using a mouse model
S Qiu, W Jiang, MS Alam, S Chen, C Lai, T Wang, X Li, J Liu, M Gao, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 330, 108463, 2020
A multi-purpose electromagnetic actuator for magnetic resonance elastography
Y Feng, M Zhu, S Qiu, P Shen, S Ma, X Zhao, C Hu, L Guo
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 51, 29-34, 2018
Comparative analysis of indentation and magnetic resonance elastography for measuring viscoelastic properties
Y Chen, S Qiu, Z He, F Yan, R Li, Y Feng
Acta Mechanica Sinica 37, 527-536, 2021
A novel small-specimen planar biaxial testing system with full in-plane deformation control
S Potter, J Graves, B Drach, T Leahy, C Hammel, Y Feng, A Baker, ...
Journal of biomechanical engineering 140 (5), 051001, 2018
A computational study of invariant I5 in a nearly incompressible transversely isotropic model for white matter
Y Feng, S Qiu, X Xia, S Ji, CH Lee
Journal of biomechanics 57, 146-151, 2017
Principal component analysis of dynamic relative displacement fields estimated from MR images
TM Abney, Y Feng, R Pless, RJ Okamoto, GM Genin, PV Bayly
PLoS One 6 (7), e22063, 2011
Low-rank and framelet based sparsity decomposition for interventional MRI reconstruction
Z He, YN Zhu, S Qiu, T Wang, C Zhang, B Sun, X Zhang, Y Feng
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69 (7), 2294-2304, 2022
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Articles 1–20