Ruben C. Arslan
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Age and Gender Differences in Self-Esteem—A Cross-Cultural Window.
W Bleidorn, RC Arslan, JJA Denissen, PJ Rentfrow, JE Gebauer, J Potter, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2015
formr: A study framework allowing for automated feedback generation and complex longitudinal experience-sampling studies using R.
RC Arslan, MP Walther, CS Tata
Behavior Research Methods 52 (1), 376-387, 2020
That’s a Lot to Process! Pitfalls of Popular Path Models.
JM Rohrer, P Hünermund, RC Arslan, M Elson
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 5 (2), 2022
Using 26,000 diary entries to show ovulatory changes in sexual desire and behavior.
RC Arslan, KM Schilling, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2018
Genomic analysis of family data reveals additional genetic effects on intelligence and personality.
WD Hill, RC Arslan, C Xia, M Luciano, C Amador, P Navarro, C Hayward, ...
Molecular psychiatry 23 (12), 2347-2362, 2018
Predictive validity and adjustment of ideal partner preferences across the transition into romantic relationships.
TM Gerlach, RC Arslan, T Schultze, SK Reinhard, L Penke
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 116 (2), 313, 2019
Reliability of surface facial electromyography
U Hess, R Arslan, H Mauersberger, C Blaison, M Dufner, JJA Denissen, ...
Psychophysiology 54 (1), 12-23, 2017
Affective contingencies in the affiliative domain: Physiological assessment, associations with the affiliation motive, and prediction of behavior.
M Dufner, RC Arslan, B Hagemeyer, FD Schönbrodt, JJA Denissen
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 109 (4), 662, 2015
How people know their risk preference
RC Arslan, M Brümmer, T Dohmen, J Drewelies, R Hertwig, GG Wagner
Scientific reports 10 (1), 15365, 2020
Precise answers to vague questions: Issues with interactions
JM Rohrer, RC Arslan
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4 (2 …, 2021
How to Automatically Document Data With the codebook Package to Facilitate Data Reuse
RC Arslan
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2 (2), 169-187, 2019
Routinely randomize potential sources of measurement reactivity to estimate and adjust for biases in subjective reports.
RC Arslan, AK Reitz, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Psychological Methods, 2020
Older fathers' children have lower evolutionary fitness across four centuries and in four populations
RC Arslan, KP Willführ, E Frans, KJH Verweij, PC Bürkner, M Myrskylä, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284 (1862), 20171562, 2017
Evolutionary Genetics
RC Arslan, L Penke
Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology 2, 2015
Do voices carry valid information about a speaker’s personality?
J Stern, C Schild, BC Jones, LM DeBruine, A Hahn, DA Puts, I Zettler, ...
Journal of Research in Personality 92, 104092, 2021
Not within spitting distance: Salivary immunoassays of estradiol have subpar validity for predicting cycle phase
RC Arslan, K Blake, LJ Botzet, PC Bürkner, L DeBruine, T Fiers, N Grebe, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 149, 105994, 2023
Psychological measures aren’t toothbrushes
M Elson, I Hussey, T Alsalti, RC Arslan
Communications Psychology 1 (1), 25, 2023
Bias in self-reports: An initial elevation phenomenon
F Anvari, E Efendić, J Olsen, RC Arslan, M Elson, IK Schneider
Social Psychological and Personality Science 14 (6), 727-737, 2023
No robust evidence for cycle shifts in preferences for men's bodies in a multiverse analysis: A response to Gangestad, Dinh, Grebe, Del Giudice, and Emery Thompson (2019)
J Stern, RC Arslan, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (6), 517-525, 2019
Analysing effects of birth order on intelligence, educational attainment, big five and risk aversion in an Indonesian sample
LJ Botzet, JM Rohrer, RC Arslan
European Journal of Personality 35 (2), 234-248, 2021
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