Julia M. Haaf
Julia M. Haaf
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The JASP guidelines for conducting and reporting a Bayesian analysis
J van Doorn, D van den Bergh, U Bohm, F Dablander, K Derks, T Draws, ...
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2020
A psychometrics of individual differences in experimental tasks
JN Rouder, JM Haaf
Psychonomic bulletin & review 26 (2), 452-467, 2019
Why Many Studies of Individual Differences With Inhibition Tasks May Not Localize Correlations
JN Rouder, A Kumar, JM Haaf
Developing constraint in Bayesian mixed models.
JM Haaf, JN Rouder
Psychological methods 22 (4), 779, 2017
Bayesian inference for psychology, part IV: Parameter estimation and Bayes factors
JN Rouder, JM Haaf, J Vandekerckhove
Psychonomic bulletin & review 25 (1), 102-113, 2018
Some do and some don’t? Accounting for variability of individual difference structures.
JM Haaf, J Rouder
Psychonomic bulletin & review 26 (3), 772–789, 2019
Power, Dominance, and Constraint: A Note on the Appeal of Different Design Traditions
JN Rouder, JM Haaf
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2515245917745058, 2017
A primer on Bayesian model-averaged meta-analysis
QF Gronau, DW Heck, SW Berkhout, JM Haaf, EJ Wagenmakers
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4 (3 …, 2021
Subliminal evaluative conditioning? Above-chance CS identification may be necessary and insufficient for attitude learning.
C Stahl, J Haaf, O Corneille
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (9), 1107, 2016
Bayesian inference and testing any hypothesis you can specify
A Etz, JM Haaf, JN Rouder, J Vandekerckhove
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (2), 281-295, 2018
Bayes factors for mixed models
J van Doorn, F Aust, JM Haaf, AM Stefan, EJ Wagenmakers
Computational Brain & Behavior, 1-13, 2021
The Einstein effect provides global evidence for scientific source credibility effects and the influence of religiosity
S Hoogeveen, JM Haaf, JA Bulbulia, RM Ross, R McKay, S Altay, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (4), 523-535, 2022
Retire significance, but still test hypotheses
JM Haaf, A Ly, EJ Wagenmakers
Nature 567 (7749), 2019
A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures
W Tierney, J Hardy III, CR Ebersole, D Viganola, EG Clemente, M Gordon, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93, 104060, 2021
A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures
W Tierney, H JH III, C Ebersole, D Viganola, E Clemente, M Gordon, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2020
Minimizing Mistakes In Psychological Science
J Rouder, JM Haaf, HK Snyder
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2 (1), 3–11, 2019
Beyond means: Are there stable qualitative individual differences in cognition
JN Rouder, JM Haaf
Journal of Cognition, 2020
A memory-based judgment account of expectancy-liking dissociations in evaluative conditioning.
F Aust, JM Haaf, C Stahl
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (3), 417, 2019
Of two minds or one? A registered replication of Rydell et al.(2006)
T Heycke, S Gehrmann, JM Haaf, C Stahl
Cognition and Emotion 32 (8), 1708-1727, 2018
From theories to models to predictions: A Bayesian model comparison approach
JN Rouder, JM Haaf, F Aust
Communication Monographs 85 (1), 41-56, 2018
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