Stefan Waldherr
Stefan Waldherr
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Bayesian logic networks
D Jain, S Waldherr, M Beetz
IAS Group, Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, Tech. Rep, 2009
Electricity markets in a time of change: a call to arms for business research
M Bichler, HU Buhl, J Knörr, F Maldonado, P Schott, S Waldherr, ...
Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research 74 (1), 77-102, 2022
Complexity results for flow shop problems with synchronous movement
S Waldherr, S Knust
European Journal of Operational Research 242 (1), 34-44, 2015
Shop scheduling problems with pliable jobs
S Knust, NV Shakhlevich, S Waldherr, C Weiß
Journal of Scheduling 22, 635-661, 2019
Decomposition algorithms for synchronous flow shop problems with additional resources and setup times
S Waldherr, S Knust
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (3), 847-863, 2017
Synchronous flow shop scheduling with pliable jobs
M Bultmann, S Knust, S Waldherr
European Journal of Operational Research 270 (3), 943-956, 2018
The assignment problem with nearly Monge arrays and incompatible partner indices
C Weiß, S Knust, NV Shakhlevich, S Waldherr
Discrete Applied Mathematics 211, 183-203, 2016
Strategyproof auction mechanisms for network procurement
M Bichler, Z Hao, R Littmann, S Waldherr
OR Spectrum 42 (4), 965-994, 2020
How to assign scarce resources without money: Designing information systems that are efficient, truthful, and (pretty) fair
M Bichler, A Hammerl, T Morrill, S Waldherr
Information Systems Research 32 (2), 335-355, 2021
Trading airport time slots: Market design with complex constraints
M Bichler, R Littmann, S Waldherr
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 145, 118-133, 2021
Flow shop scheduling with flexible processing times
M Bultmann, S Knust, S Waldherr
OR Spectrum 40 (3), 809-829, 2018
Core and pricing equilibria in combinatorial exchanges
M Bichler, S Waldherr
Economics Letters 157, 145-147, 2017
Synchronous flow shop problems: How much can we gain by leaving machines idle?
S Waldherr, S Knust, D Briskorn
Omega 72, 15-24, 2017
Plan assessment for autonomous manufacturing as bayesian inference
P Maier, D Jain, S Waldherr, M Sachenbacher
KI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 33rd Annual German Conference …, 2010
Computing Core-Stable Outcomes in Combinatorial Exchanges with Financially Constrained Bidders.
M Bichler, S Waldherr
EC, 747, 2019
Two-stage scheduling in shelf-board production: a case study
S Waldherr, S Knust
International Journal of Production Research 52 (13), 4078-4092, 2014
Open shop scheduling with synchronization
C Weiß, S Waldherr, S Knust, NV Shakhlevich
Journal of Scheduling 20, 557-581, 2017
Core pricing in combinatorial exchanges with financially constrained buyers: Computational hardness and algorithmic solutions
M Bichler, S Waldherr
Operations Research 70 (1), 241-264, 2022
Solution algorithms for synchronous flow shop problems with two dominating machines
M Kampmeyer, S Knust, S Waldherr
Computers & Operations Research 74, 42-52, 2016
The role of individual compensation and acceptance decisions in crowdsourced delivery
AB Çınar, W Dullaert, M Leitner, R Paradiso, S Waldherr
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 169, 104834, 2024
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