Nick Allum
Nick Allum
Emeritus Professor of Research Methodology, University of Essex
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Quality, quantity and knowledge interests: Avoiding confusions
MW Bauer, G Gaskell, NC Allum
Bauer, MW, and Gaskell, G, 3-17, 2000
Science in society: Re-evaluating the deficit model of public attitudes
P Sturgis, N Allum
Public understanding of science 13 (1), 55-74, 2004
What can we learn from 25 years of PUS survey research? Liberating and expanding the agenda
MW Bauer, N Allum, S Miller
Public understanding of science 16 (1), 79-95, 2007
Science knowledge and attitudes across cultures: A meta-analysis
N Allum, P Sturgis, D Tabourazi, I Brunton-Smith
Public understanding of science 17 (1), 35-54, 2008
Worlds apart? The reception of genetically modified foods in Europe and the US
G Gaskell, MW Bauer, J Durant, NC Allum
Science 285 (5426), 384, 1999
GM foods and the misperception of risk perception
G Gaskell, N Allum, W Wagner, N Kronberger, H Torgersen, J Hampel, ...
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 24 (1), 185-194, 2004
Biotechnology and the European public
G Gaskell, N Allum, M Bauer, J Durant, A Allansdottir, H Bonfadelli, D Boy, ...
Nature biotechnology 18 (9), 935-938, 2000
Europeans and Biotechnology in 2002
G Gaskell, N Allum, S Stares
Eurobarometer 58 (2), 2003
Science Literacy Concepts, Contexts, and Consequences
NASE Medicine
The National Academies Press, 2016
Europeans and biotechnology in 2005: patterns and trends
G Gaskell, A Allansdottir, N Allum, C Corchero, C Fischler, J Hampel, ...
Final report on Eurobarometer 64 (3), 1-85, 2006
Does ethnic diversity erode trust? Putnam’s ‘hunkering down’thesis reconsidered
P Sturgis, I Brunton-Smith, S Read, N Allum
British journal of political science 41 (1), 57-82, 2011
Europeans and biotechnology in 2010. Winds of change?
G Gaskell, S Stares, A Allansdottir, N Allum, P Castro, Y Esmer, C Fischler, ...
European Commission, 2010
Attitudes over time: The psychology of panel conditioning
P Sturgis, N Allum, I Brunton‐Smith
Methodology of longitudinal surveys, 113-126, 2009
The 2010 Eurobarometer on the life sciences
G Gaskell, A Allansdottir, N Allum, P Castro, Y Esmer, C Fischler, ...
Nature biotechnology 29 (2), 113-114, 2011
An experiment on the measurement of political knowledge in surveys
P Sturgis, N Allum, P Smith
Public Opinion Quarterly 72 (1), 90-102, 2008
Research integrity: nine ways to move from talk to walk
N Mejlgaard, LM Bouter, G Gaskell, P Kavouras, N Allum, AK Bendtsen, ...
Nature 586 (7829), 358-360, 2020
Does intelligence foster generalized trust? An empirical test using the UK birth cohort studies
P Sturgis, S Read, N Allum
Intelligence 38 (1), 45-54, 2010
In the public eye: Representations of biotechnology in Europe
G Gaskell, N Allum, W Wagner, TH Nielsen, E Jelsøe, M Kohring, ...
Science Museum, 2001
A different take on the deliberative poll: Information, deliberation, and attitude constraint
P Sturgis, C Roberts, N Allum
Public Opinion Quarterly 69 (1), 30-65, 2005
Bridging levels of analysis in risk perception research: The case of the fear of crime
J Jackson, N Allum, G Gaskell
Forum qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: qualitative social research 7 (1), 2006
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