Alexander Schlaefer
Alexander Schlaefer
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Skin lesion classification using ensembles of multi-resolution EfficientNets with meta data
N Gessert, M Nielsen, M Shaikh, R Werner, A Schlaefer
MethodsX, 100864, 2020
Benchmark for algorithms segmenting the left atrium from 3D CT and MRI datasets
C Tobon-Gomez, AJ Geers, J Peters, J Weese, K Pinto, R Karim, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 34 (7), 1460-1473, 2015
The design, physical properties and clinical utility of an iris collimator for robotic radiosurgery
GG Echner, W Kilby, M Lee, E Earnst, S Sayeh, A Schlaefer, B Rhein, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 54 (18), 5359, 2009
Skin lesion classification using cnns with patch-based attention and diagnosis-guided loss weighting
N Gessert, T Sentker, F Madesta, R Schmitz, H Kniep, I Baltruschat, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (2), 495-503, 2019
Automatic plaque detection in IVOCT pullbacks using convolutional neural networks
N Gessert, M Lutz, M Heyder, S Latus, DM Leistner, YS Abdelwahed, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (2), 426-434, 2018
Evaluating and comparing algorithms for respiratory motion prediction
F Ernst, R Dürichen, A Schlaefer, A Schweikard
Physics in Medicine & Biology 58 (11), 3911, 2013
Skin lesion diagnosis using ensembles, unscaled multi-crop evaluation and loss weighting
N Gessert, T Sentker, F Madesta, R Schmitz, H Kniep, I Baltruschat, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.01694, 2018
Stepwise multi‐criteria optimization for robotic radiosurgery
A Schlaefer, A Schweikard
Medical physics 35 (5), 2094-2103, 2008
Non‐orthogonal tool/flange and robot/world calibration
F Ernst, L Richter, L Matthäus, V Martens, R Bruder, A Schlaefer, ...
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2012
Patient motion and targeting accuracy in robotic spinal radiosurgery: 260 single-fraction fiducial-free cases
C Fürweger, C Drexler, M Kufeld, A Muacevic, B Wowra, A Schlaefer
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 78 (3), 937-945, 2010
Automatic scanning of large tissue areas in neurosurgery using optical coherence tomography
M Finke, S Kantelhardt, A Schlaefer, R Bruder, E Lankenau, A Giese, ...
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2012
SpeckleGAN: a generative adversarial network with an adaptive speckle layer to augment limited training data for ultrasound image processing
L Bargsten, A Schlaefer
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 15 (9 …, 2020
Prediction of respiratory motion with wavelet-based multiscale autoregression
F Ernst, A Schlaefer, A Schweikard
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2007
Prediction of respiratory motion with a multi-frequency based Extended Kalman Filter
L Ramrath, A Schlaefer, F Ernst, S Dieterich, A Schweikard
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference and Exhibition on Computer …, 2007
Correlation between external and internal respiratory motion: a validation study
F Ernst, R Bruder, A Schlaefer, A Schweikard
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 7 (3), 483-492, 2012
Technical description, phantom accuracy, and clinical feasibility for single-session lung radiosurgery using robotic image-guided real-time respiratory tumor tracking
A Muacevic, C Drexler, B Wowra, A Schweikard, A Schlaefer, ...
Technology in cancer research & treatment 6 (4), 321-328, 2007
Multiple sclerosis lesion activity segmentation with attention-guided two-path CNNs
N Gessert, J Krüger, R Opfer, AC Ostwaldt, P Manogaran, HH Kitzler, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 84, 101772, 2020
Fully automated longitudinal segmentation of new or enlarged multiple sclerosis lesions using 3D convolutional neural networks
J Krüger, R Opfer, N Gessert, AC Ostwaldt, P Manogaran, HH Kitzler, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 28, 102445, 2020
A Fast Lane Approach to LMS prediction of respiratory motion signals
F Ernst, A Schlaefer, S Dieterich, A Schweikard
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 3 (4), 291-299, 2008
Stimulus intensity for hand held and robotic transcranial magnetic stimulation
L Richter, P Trillenberg, A Schweikard, A Schlaefer
Brain stimulation 6 (3), 315-321, 2013
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