Dr. Michael Schilling
Dr. Michael Schilling
Head of Empirical Research Support, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
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Cited by
Is FIDO2 the kingslayer of user authentication? A comparative usability study of FIDO2 passwordless authentication
SG Lyastani, M Schilling, M Neumayr, M Backes, S Bugiel
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 268-285, 2020
Better managed than memorized? Studying the Impact of Managers on Password Strength and Reuse
SG Lyastani, M Schilling, S Fahl, M Backes, S Bugiel
27th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 18), 203-220, 2018
Displaying fairness while delivering bad news: Testing the effectiveness of organizational bad news training in the layoff context.
M Richter, CJ König, C Koppermann, M Schilling
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (6), 779, 2016
The relationship between cognitive ability and personality scores in selection situations: A meta‐analysis
M Schilling, N Becker, MM Grabenhorst, CJ König
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 29 (1), 1-18, 2021
Explanation Beats Context: The Effect of Timing & Rationales on Users’ Runtime Permission Decisions
Y Elbitar, M Schilling, TT Nguyen, M Backes, S Bugiel
30th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 21), 785-802, 2021
Measuring user perception for detecting unexpected access to sensitive resource in mobile apps
TT Nguyen, DC Nguyen, M Schilling, G Wang, M Backes
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2021
Is it enough to be willing to win or do you have to be smart? The relationship between competitive worldviews, cognitive abilities, and applicant faking in personality tests
M Schilling, JR Sparfeldt, N Becker, M Engel, J Levacher, TFP Sebastian, ...
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 28 (3), 264-282, 2020
Do you fake more because of your neighbors? A multi-level study on regional and individual predictors of faking intentions across the USA
M Schilling, N Roulin, M Obschonka, CJ König
Journal of Business and Psychology 36 (2), 193-209, 2021
Studying the impact of managers on password strength and reuse
SG Lyastani, M Schilling, S Fahl, S Bugiel, M Backes
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.08940, 2017
Poster: From Hashes to Ashes-A Comparison of Transcription Services
R Siegel, R Mrowczynski, M Hellenthal, M Schilling
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2023
An open door may tempt a saint: Examining situational and individual determinants of privacy-invading behavior
M Langer, R Siegel, M Schilling, T Hunsicker, CJ König
Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2022), 407-426, 2022
The (Un) usual Suspects–Studying Reasons for Lacking Updates in WordPress
M Hellenthal, L Gotsche, R Mrowczynski, S Kugel, M Schilling, B Stock
CISPA, 2025
Towards Privacy and Security in Private Clouds: A Representative Survey on the Prevalence of Private Hosting and Administrator Characteristics
L Gröber, S Lenau, R Weil, E Groben, M Schilling, K Krombholz
Usenix Security Symposium, 2024
Measuring the Effects of Stack Overflow Code Snippet Evolution on Open-Source Software Security
A Jallow, M Schilling, M Backes, S Bugiel
2024 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 22-22, 2023
Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie und IT-Forschung
M Schilling, L Helmin, S Haase
Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie im 21. Jahrhundert, 211-239, 2021
Is FIDO2 the Kingslayer of User Authentication? A Comparative Usability Study of FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication
S Ghorbani Lyastani, M Schilling, M Neumayr, M Backes, S Bugiel
Enhancing the knowledge about faking: ability, motivation, and beyond
M Schilling
Saarländische Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek, 2019
Better managed than memorized? Studying the Impact of Managers on Password Strength and Reuse
S Ghorbani Lyastani, M Schilling, S Fahl, M Backes, S Bugiel
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Articles 1–18