Joseph Patterson
Joseph Patterson
Department of Astronomy, Columbia University
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The DQ Herculis stars
J Patterson
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 106 (697), 209, 1994
The evolution of cataclysmic variables as revealed by their donor stars
C Knigge, I Baraffe, J Patterson
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 194 (2), 28, 2011
The evolution of cataclysmic and low-mass X-ray binaries
J Patterson
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ISSN 0067-0049), vol. 54, April …, 1984
X-ray emission from cataclysmic variables with accretion disks. I-Hard X-rays. II-EUV/soft X-ray radiation
J Patterson, JC Raymond
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 292, May 15, 1985, p …, 1985
Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XXV. q crit, 𝛜 (q), and Mass‐Radius
J Patterson, J Kemp, DA Harvey, RE Fried, R Rea, B Monard, LM Cook, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 117 (837), 1204, 2005
Late evolution of cataclysmic variables
J Patterson
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 110 (752), 1132, 1998
Rapid oscillations in cataclysmic variables. III-an oblique rotator in an AE Aquarii
J Patterson
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 234, Dec. 15, 1979, p. 978-992. 234, 978-992, 1979
The 2001 superoutburst of WZ Sagittae
J Patterson, G Masi, MW Richmond, B Martin, E Beshore, DR Skillman, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 114 (797), 721, 2002
Magnetic activity, tides, and orbital period changes in close binaries
JH Applegate, J Patterson
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2-Letters to the Editor (ISSN 0004-637X), vol …, 1987
The remarkable rapid X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and infrared variability in the black hole XTE J1118+ 480
RI Hynes, CA Haswell, W Cui, CR Shrader, K O'Brien, S Chaty, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 345 (1), 292-310, 2003
A photometric study of the dwarf nova WZ Sagittae in outburst
J Patterson, JT McGraw, L Coleman, JL Africano
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 248, Sept. 15, 1981, p. 1067-1075. 248 …, 1981
X-ray spectra of cataclysmic variables from the Einstein Observatory
M Eracleous, J Halpern, J Patterson
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 382, Nov. 20, 1991, p …, 1991
Distances and absolute magnitudes of dwarf novae: murmurs of period bounce
J Patterson
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 411 (4), 2695-2716, 2011
A photometric study of the recurrent nova WZ Sagittae at minimum light
EL Robinson, RE Nather, J Patterson
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 219, Jan. 1, 1978, p. 168-182. 219, 168-182, 1978
Accretion‐Disk Precession and Substellar Secondaries in Cataclysmic Variables
J Patterson
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 113 (784), 736, 2001
Superhumps in cataclysmic binaries. V. V503 Cygni
D Harvey, DR Skillman, J Patterson, FA Ringwald
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 107 (712), 551, 1995
Superhumps in cataclysmic binaries. XV. EG Cancri, king of the echo outbursts
J Patterson, J Kemp, DR Skillman, DA Harvey, AW Shafter, T Vanmunster, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 110 (753), 1290, 1998
Rapid oscillations in cataclysmic variables. VI-Periodicities in erupting dwarf novae
J Patterson
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 45, Mar. 1981, p. 517-539. 45 …, 1981
1RXS J232953. 9+ 062814: a dwarf nova with a 64 minute orbital period and a conspicuous secondary star
JR Thorstensen, WH Fenton, JO Patterson, J Kemp, T Krajci, I Baraffe
The Astrophysical Journal 567 (1), L49, 2002
Two Galactic Supersoft X‐Ray Binaries: V Sagittae and T Pyxidis
J Patterson, J Kemp, A Shambrook, JR Thorstensen, DR Skillman, J Gunn, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 110 (746), 380, 1998
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Articles 1–20