Matthias Huss
Matthias Huss
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Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century
R Hugonnet, R McNabb, E Berthier, B Menounos, C Nuth, L Girod, ...
Nature 592 (7856), 726-731, 2021
Global-scale hydrological response to future glacier mass loss
M Huss, R Hock
Nature Climate Change 8 (2), 135-140, 2018
Global glacier mass changes and their contributions to sea-level rise from 1961 to 2016
M Zemp, M Huss, E Thibert, N Eckert, R McNabb, J Huber, M Barandun, ...
Nature 568 (7752), 382-386, 2019
High mountain areas
R Hock, G Rasul, C Adler, B Cáceres, S Gruber, Y Hirabayashi, ...
IPCC special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate, 131-202, 2019
Density assumptions for converting geodetic glacier volume change to mass change
M Huss
The Cryosphere 7 (3), 877-887, 2013
A consensus estimate for the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers on Earth
D Farinotti, M Huss, JJ Fürst, J Landmann, H Machguth, F Maussion, ...
Nature Geoscience 12 (3), 168-173, 2019
The European mountain cryosphere: a review of its current state, trends, and future challenges
M Beniston, D Farinotti, M Stoffel, LM Andreassen, E Coppola, N Eckert, ...
The Cryosphere 12 (2), 759-794, 2018
Distributed ice thickness and volume of all glaciers around the globe
M Huss, D Farinotti
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F4), 2012
Toward mountains without permanent snow and ice
M Huss, B Bookhagen, C Huggel, D Jacobsen, RS Bradley, JJ Clague, ...
Earth's Future 5 (5), 418-435, 2017
A new model for global glacier change and sea-level rise
M Huss, R Hock
Frontiers in Earth Science 3, 54, 2015
Modelling runoff from highly glacierized alpine drainage basins in a changing climate
M Huss, D Farinotti, A Bauder, M Funk
Hydrological processes 22 (19), 3888-3902, 2008
A method to estimate the ice volume and ice-thickness distribution of alpine glaciers
D Farinotti, M Huss, A Bauder, M Funk, M Truffer
Journal of Glaciology 55 (191), 422-430, 2009
Projected land ice contributions to twenty-first-century sea level rise
TL Edwards, S Nowicki, B Marzeion, R Hock, H Goelzer, H Seroussi, ...
Nature 593 (7857), 74-82, 2021
Randolph glacier inventory–A dataset of global glacier outlines: Version 6.0: Technical report, global land ice measurements from space
A Arendt, A Bliss, T Bolch, JG Cogley, A Gardner, JO Hagen, R Hock, ...
RGI Consortium, 2017
Present and future contribution of glacier storage change to runoff from macroscale drainage basins in Europe
M Huss
Water Resources Research 47 (7), 2011
Estimating the volume of glaciers in the Himalayan–Karakoram region using different methods
H Frey, H Machguth, M Huss, C Huggel, S Bajracharya, T Bolch, ...
The Cryosphere 8 (6), 2313-2333, 2014
Global glacier change in the 21st century: Every increase in temperature matters
DR Rounce, R Hock, F Maussion, R Hugonnet, W Kochtitzky, M Huss, ...
Science 379 (6627), 78-83, 2023
Future high-mountain hydrology: a new parameterization of glacier retreat
M Huss, G Jouvet, D Farinotti, A Bauder
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (5), 815-829, 2010
Modelling the future evolution of glaciers in the European Alps under the EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble
H Zekollari, M Huss, D Farinotti
The Cryosphere 13 (4), 1125-1146, 2019
Reanalysing glacier mass balance measurement series
M Zemp, E Thibert, M Huss, D Stumm, C Rolstad Denby, C Nuth, ...
The Cryosphere 7 (4), 1227-1245, 2013
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