thomas niederkrotenthaler
thomas niederkrotenthaler
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Suicide risk and prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic
D Gunnell, L Appleby, E Arensman, K Hawton, A John, N Kapur, M Khan, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 7 (6), 468-471, 2020
Role of media reports in completed and prevented suicide: Werther v. Papageno effects
T Niederkrotenthaler, M Voracek, A Herberth, B Till, M Strauss, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 197 (3), 234-243, 2010
Suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time-series analysis of preliminary data from 21 countries
J Pirkis, A John, S Shin, M DelPozo-Banos, V Arya, P Analuisa-Aguilar, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 8 (7), 579-588, 2021
Changes in suicide rates following media reports on celebrity suicide: a meta-analysis
T Niederkrotenthaler, K Fu, PSF Yip, DYT Fong, S Stack, Q Cheng, ...
J epidemiol community health 66 (11), 1037-1042, 2012
Association between suicide reporting in the media and suicide: systematic review and meta-analysis
T Niederkrotenthaler, M Braun, J Pirkis, B Till, S Stack, M Sinyor, US Tran, ...
Bmj 368, 2020
Assessing the impact of media guidelines for reporting on suicides in Austria: interrupted time series analysis
T Niederkrotenthaler, G Sonneck
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 41 (5), 419-428, 2007
Increasing help-seeking and referrals for individuals at risk for suicide by decreasing stigma: the role of mass media
T Niederkrotenthaler, DJ Reidenberg, B Till, MS Gould
American journal of preventive medicine 47 (3), S235-S243, 2014
Copycat effects after media reports on suicide: A population-based ecologic study
T Niederkrotenthaler, B Till, ND Kapusta, M Voracek, K Dervic, G Sonneck
Social science & medicine 69 (7), 1085-1090, 2009
A structured open dataset of government interventions in response to COVID-19
A Desvars-Larrive, E Dervic, N Haug, T Niederkrotenthaler, J Chen, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 285, 2020
Association of increased youth suicides in the United States with the release of 13 Reasons Why
T Niederkrotenthaler, S Stack, B Till, M Sinyor, J Pirkis, D Garcia, ...
JAMA psychiatry 76 (9), 933-940, 2019
Declining autopsy rates and suicide misclassification: a cross-national analysis of 35 countries
ND Kapusta, US Tran, IRH Rockett, D De Leo, CPE Naylor, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 68 (10), 1050-1057, 2011
Suicide numbers during the first 9-15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with pre-existing trends: An interrupted time series analysis in 33 countries
J Pirkis, D Gunnell, S Shin, M Del Pozo-Banos, V Arya, PA Aguilar, ...
EClinicalMedicine 51, 2022
Exposure to parental mortality and markers of morbidity, and the risks of attempted and completed suicide in offspring: an analysis of sensitive life periods
T Niederkrotenthaler, B Floderus, K Alexanderson, F Rasmussen, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 66 (3), 233-239, 2012
Suicide research, prevention, and COVID-19
T Niederkrotenthaler, D Gunnell, E Arensman, J Pirkis, L Appleby, ...
Crisis, 2020
Descriptive factors of abusive head trauma in young children—United States, 2000–2009
T Niederkrotenthaler, L Xu, SE Parks, DE Sugerman
Child abuse & neglect 37 (7), 446-455, 2013
Low validity of Google Trends for behavioral forecasting of national suicide rates
US Tran, R Andel, T Niederkrotenthaler, B Till, V Ajdacic-Gross, ...
PloS one 12 (8), e0183149, 2017
Determining the effects of films with suicidal content: a laboratory experiment
B Till, M Strauss, G Sonneck, T Niederkrotenthaler
The British Journal of Psychiatry 207 (1), 72-78, 2015
Relationship satisfaction and risk factors for suicide
B Till, US Tran, T Niederkrotenthaler
Crisis, 2016
The association between suicide deaths and putatively harmful and protective factors in media reports
M Sinyor, A Schaffer, Y Nishikawa, DA Redelmeier, T Niederkrotenthaler, ...
Cmaj 190 (30), E900-E907, 2018
Assessing the quality of media reporting of suicide news in India against World Health Organization guidelines: A content analysis study of nine major newspapers in Tamil Nadu
G Armstrong, L Vijayakumar, T Niederkrotenthaler, M Jayaseelan, ...
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 52 (9), 856-863, 2018
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