Maja Adena
Cited by
Cited by
Radio and the Rise of the Nazis in Prewar Germany
M Adena, R Enikolopov, M Petrova, V Santarosa, E Zhuravskaya
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 130 (4), 1885-1939, 2015
Poverty and transitions in health in later life
M Adena, M Myck
Social science & medicine 116, 202-210, 2014
Online fundraising, self-image, and the long-term impact of ask avoidance
M Adena, S Huck
Management Science, 2019
Matching donations without crowding out? Some theoretical considerations, a field, and a lab experiment
M Adena, S Huck
Journal of Public Economics 148, 32-42, 2017
Giving once, giving twice: A two-period field experiment on intertemporal crowding in charitable giving
M Adena, S Huck
Journal of Public Economics 172, 127-134, 2019
Charitable giving and nonbinding contribution-level suggestions Evidence from a field experiment
M Adena, S Huck, I Rasul
Review of Behavioral Economics, 2014
Quality certification for nonprofits, charitable giving, and donor's trust: Experimental evidence
M Adena, J Alizade, F Bohner, J Harke, F Mesters
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 159, 75-100, 2019
COVID-19 and pro-sociality: How do donors respond to local pandemic severity, increased salience, and media coverage?
M Adena, J Harke
Experimental Economics 25 (3), 824-844, 2022
Bombs, broadcasts and resistance: Allied intervention and domestic opposition to the Nazi regime during World War II
M Adena, R Enikolopov, M Petrova, HJ Voth
Available at SSRN 3661643, 2021
Tax-price elasticity of charitable donations–evidence from the German taxpayer panel
M Adena
The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy, 219-235, 2021
Material deprivation items in SHARE Wave 5 data: a contribution to a better understanding of differences in material conditions in later life
M Adena, M Myck, M Oczkowska
Ageing in Europe–Supporting policies for an inclusive society, 25-37, 2015
Personalized fundraising: A field experiment on threshold matching of donations
M Adena, S Huck
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 200, 1-20, 2022
Does online fundraising increase charitable giving? A nationwide field experiment on Facebook
M Adena, A Hager
Management Science, 2024
Nonprofit organizations, free media and donor’s trust
M Adena
Journal of Economics 118 (3), 239-263, 2016
Charitable giving by the poor: A field experiment in Kyrgyzstan
M Adena, R Hakimov, S Huck
Management Science 70 (1), 633-646, 2024
Poverty and transitions in key areas of quality of life
M Adena, M Myck
Börsch-Supan, Axel, Brandt, Martina, Litwin, Howard and Guglielmo Weber (Eds …, 2013
Home alone: Widows’ well-being and time
M Adena, D Hamermesh, M Myck, M Oczkowska
Journal of Happiness Studies 24 (2), 813-838, 2023
Voluntary ‘donations’ versus reward-oriented ‘contributions’: two experiments on framing in funding mechanisms
M Adena, S Huck
Experimental Economics 25 (5), 1399-1417, 2022
How can we improve tax incentives for charitable giving? Lessons from field experiments in fundraising
M Adena
The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy, 344-353, 2021
Testing consumer theory: evidence from a natural field experiment
M Adena, S Huck, I Rasul
Journal of the economic science association 3, 89-108, 2017
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Articles 1–20