Helene Schmidt
Helene Schmidt
Ernst Strüngmann Institute
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Cited by
Cited by
Grid-layout and theta-modulation of layer 2 pyramidal neurons in medial entorhinal cortex
S Ray, R Naumann, A Burgalossi, Q Tang, H Schmidt, M Brecht
Science 343 (6173), 891-896, 2014
Pyramidal and stellate cell specificity of grid and border representations in layer 2 of medial entorhinal cortex
Q Tang, A Burgalossi, CL Ebbesen, S Ray, R Naumann, H Schmidt, ...
Neuron 84 (6), 1191-1197, 2014
Axonal synapse sorting in medial entorhinal cortex
H Schmidt, A Gour, J Straehle, KM Boergens, M Brecht, M Helmstaedter
Nature 549 (7673), 469-475, 2017
Ethisches Denken in der Medizin: ein Lehrbuch
E Amelung, K Gahl, F Heubel, FJ Illhardt, HG Manz, M Nüchtern, ...
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Functional architecture of the rat parasubiculum
Q Tang, A Burgalossi, CL Ebbesen, JI Sanguinetti-Scheck, H Schmidt, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (7), 2289-2301, 2016
An isomorphic mapping hypothesis of the grid representation
M Brecht, S Ray, A Burgalossi, Q Tang, H Schmidt, R Naumann
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Structure and function of the hippocampal CA3 module
RP Sammons, M Vezir, L Moreno-Velasquez, G Cano, M Orlando, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (6), e2312281120, 2024
Grid-like arrangement and theta-modulation of a pyramidal cell microcircuit in layer 2 of medial entorhinal cortex
S Ray, R Naumann, A Burgalossi, Q Tang, H Schmidt, M Brecht
Science 343, 891-896, 2014
Spiritual care as part of or supplement to medical care
F Heubel, H Schmidt
Rehabilitation: Sozialmedizin, physikalische Medizin, Praventivmedizin …, 1977
Poster Program
Q Tang, A Burgalossi, S Ray, R Naumann, M Brecht, ARO Martins, ...
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Articles 1–10