Amelie Verena Güntner
Amelie Verena Güntner
Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam
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Follower behavior renders leader behavior endogenous: The simultaneity problem, estimation challenges, and solutions
AV Güntner, FE Klonek, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, S Kauffeld
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (6), 101441, 2020
Using motivational interviewing to reduce threats in conversations about environmental behavior
FE Klonek, AV Güntner, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, S Kauffeld
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 1015, 2015
The power of followers that do not follow: Investigating the effects of follower resistance, leader implicit followership theories and leader negative affect on the emergence …
AV Güntner, KN Klasmeier, FE Klonek, S Kauffeld
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 28 (3), 349-365, 2021
Guiding change: Using motivational interviewing within organizations
AV Güntner, PC Endrejat, S Kauffeld
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2019
S Kauffeld, AV Güntner
Feedbackinstrumente im Unternehmen: Grundlagen, Gestaltungshinweise …, 2018
Tailored communication increases the perceived benefits of solar energy
PC Endrejat, AV Güntner, S Ehrenholz, S Kauffeld
Energy Policy 144, 111714, 2020
Interaction coding in leadership research: A critical review and best-practice recommendations to measure behavior
AV Güntner, AL Meinecke, ZEK Lüders
The Leadership Quarterly, 101751, 2023
Karriere als Thema im Coaching: Klienten unterstützen, Karriereentscheidungen zu treffen
S Kauffeld, AV Güntner, K Ebner
Handbuch Schlüsselkonzepte im Coaching, 285-294, 2018
Die Ko-Konstruktion von Führung in veränderungsbezogenen Interaktionen zwischen Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden
AV Güntner, S Kauffeld
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation 52 (3), 551-562, 2021
Damit Sie auch im Coaching bekommen, was auf der Verpackung steht: Qualitätssicherung von Coachings am Beispiel der Prozessanalyse im Motivational Interviewing
FE Klonek, A Güntner, S Kauffeld
Qualität im Coaching: Denkanstöße und neue Ansätze: Wie Coaching mehr …, 2016
The emergence of employees’ change readiness for energy-conservation behavior during guided group discussions
AV Güntner, PC Endrejat, S Kauffeld
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 587529, 2021
Career Coaching
S Kauffeld, AV Güntner, K Ebner
International handbook of evidence-based coaching: Theory, research and …, 2022
A socio-motivational perspective on energy conservation in the workplace: the potential of motivational interviewing
AV Güntner, FE Klonek, S Kauffeld
Research Handbook on Employee Pro-Environmental Behaviour, 287-312, 2018
The co-construction of leadership in change-related interactions between leaders and followers
AV Güntner, S Kauffeld
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2021
Advancing sustainability at universities through design thinking education
PC Endrejat, AV Güntner, E Stasewitsch, P Abel, S Robra-Bissantz, ...
Design research for change: Symposium papers presented at the design museum …, 2019
The reciprocity of shared and empowering leadership
KN Klasmeier, AV Güntner, JE Schleu
PsyArXiv, 2022
Motivational interviewing as a tool for coaching in the workplace: coaching for organizational change
AV Güntner, S Kauffeld, J Passmore
International Handbook of Evidence-Based Coaching: Theory, Research and …, 2022
Training Adaptive Leadership: On the Role of Leader Cognitions and Behaviors
AV Güntner, AL Heimann, P Ingold, M Kleinmann
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 12310, 2022
Mitwirkung durch Führung stärken-Maßnahmen einer nachhaltigen Team-und Personalentwicklung
S Kauffeld, AV Güntner, K Mäder, E Stäuble
Hogrefe, 2018
Leadership Dynamics in Teams: The Reciprocity of Shared and Empowering Leadership
KN Klasmeier, AV Güntner, JE Schleu
Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-17, 2025
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