David McLaren
David McLaren
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A new class of energy-preserving numerical integration methods
GRW Quispel, DI McLaren
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (4), 045206, 2008
Preserving energy resp. dissipation in numerical PDEs using the “Average Vector Field” method
E Celledoni, V Grimm, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, D O’Neale, B Owren, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (20), 6770-6789, 2012
Energy-preserving runge-kutta methods
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel, ...
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 43 (4), 645-649, 2009
Integrability properties of Kahanʼs method
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (36), 365202, 2014
Discretization of polynomial vector fields by polarization
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2015
Discrete gradient methods for solving variational image regularisation models
V Grimm, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, GRW Quispel, CB Schönlieb
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (29), 295201, 2017
Integral-preserving integrators
DI McLaren, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (39), L489, 2004
Explicit volume-preserving and symplectic integrators for trigonometric polynomial flows
GRW Quispel, DI McLaren
Journal of Computational Physics 186 (1), 308-316, 2003
Using discrete Darboux polynomials to detect and determine preserved measures and integrals of rational maps
E Celledoni, C Evripidou, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel, BK Tapley, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (31), 31LT01, 2019
Geometric and integrability properties of Kahan’s method: the preservation of certain quadratic integrals
E Celledoni, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (6), 065201, 2019
Projection methods and discrete gradient methods for preserving first integrals of ODEs
RA Norton, DI McLaren, GRW Quispel, A Stern, A Zanna
arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.2713, 2013
Three classes of quadratic vector fields for which the Kahan discretisation is the root of a generalised Manin transformation
PH Van der Kamp, E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (4), 045204, 2019
Transitivity, pattern-reversal, engulfment and duality in exchange-type cell aggregation kinetics
P Antonelli, DI McLaren, TD Rogers, M Lathrop, MA Willard
Journal of theoretical biology 49 (2), 385-400, 1975
Two classes of quadratic vector fields for which the Kahan discretization is integrable
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.00280, 2017
Detecting and determining preserved measures and integrals of birational maps
E Celledoni, C Evripidou, D McLaren, B Owren, R Quispel, B Tapley
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.04685, 2019
Generalised Manin transformations and QRT maps
PH van der Kamp, DI McLaren, GRW Quispel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.05340, 2018
Volume preservation by Runge–Kutta methods
P Bader, DI McLaren, GRW Quispel, M Webb
Applied Numerical Mathematics 109, 123-137, 2016
A criticism of catastrophe modelling of the differentiative process in amphibian development
MJ Pearson, DI McLaren
Journal of Theoretical Biology 69 (4), 721-734, 1977
Birational maps from polarization and the preservation of measure and integrals
RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56 (36), 365202, 2023
Discrete Darboux polynomials and the search for preserved measures and integrals of rational maps
E Celledoni, C Evripidou, D McLaren, B Owren, R Quispel, B Tapley
arXiv 2019, 2019
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