Larry González
Larry González
PhD Student
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Cited by
Getting the most out of Wikidata: Semantic technology usage in Wikipedia’s knowledge graph
S Malyshev, M Krötzsch, L González, J Gonsior, A Bielefeldt
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
Vlog: A rule engine for knowledge graphs
D Carral, I Dragoste, L González, C Jacobs, M Krötzsch, J Urbani
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2019: 18th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2019
Modelling dynamics in semantic web knowledge graphs with formal concept analysis
L González, A Hogan
Proceedings of the 2018 world wide web conference, 1175-1184, 2018
Una aplicación de herramientas de eye-tracking para analizar las preferencias de contenido de los usuarios de sitios web
L González, J Velásquez
Revista de ingeniería de sistemas 26 (1), 95-118, 2012
From Horn-SRIQ to Datalog: a data-independent transformation that preserves assertion entailment
D Carral, L González, P Koopmann
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 2736-2743, 2019
Augmented film narrative by use of non-photorealistic rendering
V Fajnzylber, L González, P Maldonado, R Del Villar, R Yáńez, ...
2017 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D), 1-8, 2017
A sorted datalog hammer for supervisor verification conditions modulo simple linear arithmetic. CoRR abs/2201.09769 (2022)
M Bromberger, I Dragoste, R Faqeh, C Fetzer, L González, M Krötzsch, ...
A sorted datalog hammer for supervisor verification conditions modulo simple linear arithmetic
M Bromberger, I Dragoste, R Faqeh, C Fetzer, L González, M Krötzsch, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2022
Artifact for a sorted Datalog hammer for supervisor verification conditions modulo simple linear arithmetic (Jan 2022)
M Bromberger, I Dragoste, R Faqeh, C Fetzer, L González, M Krötzsch, ...
DOI: https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo 5888272, 0
Radiation safety culture: the way forward in practicing interventional radiology
RS Livingstone, A Varghese
Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology ISVIR 1 (02), 100-106, 2017
Efficient dependency analysis for rule-based ontologies
L González, A Ivliev, M Krötzsch, S Mennicke
International Semantic Web Conference, 267-283, 2022
A data-driven graph schema
L González, A Hogan
CEUR-WS, 2018
Efficient Dependency Analysis for Existential Rules
L González, A Ivliev, M Krötzsch, S Mennicke
From Horn-SRIQ to Datalog
D Carral, L González, P Koopmann
Termorregulación, dieta y variación morfológica de la región cefálica del lagarto plica plica (linnaeus, 1758)(sauria: tropiduridae) en Venezuela
L González, J Velásquez, H Ferrer, G Castańeda
Vol. LXXII No., 31, 2012
Getting the Most Out of Wikidata
S Malyshev, M Krötzsch, L González, J Gonsior, A Bielefeldt
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Articles 1–16