Marc Piopiunik
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance
EA Hanushek, M Piopiunik, S Wiederhold
Journal of Human Resources 54 (4), 857-899, 2019
Skills, signals, and employability: An experimental investigation
M Piopiunik, G Schwerdt, L Simon, L Woessmann
European Economic Review 123, 103374, 2020
Weak markets, strong teachers: Recession at career start and teacher effectiveness
M Nagler, M Piopiunik, MR West
Journal of Labor Economics 38 (2), 453-500, 2020
Immigration, regional conditions, and crime: Evidence from an allocation policy in Germany
M Piopiunik, J Ruhose
European Economic Review 92, 258-282, 2017
Africa’s skill tragedy: Does teachers’ lack of knowledge lead to low student performance?
J Bietenbeck, M Piopiunik, S Wiederhold
Journal of human resources 53 (3), 553-578, 2018
The effects of early tracking on student performance: Evidence from a school reform in Bavaria
M Piopiunik
Economics of Education Review 42, 12-33, 2014
Intergenerational transmission of education and mediating channels: Evidence from a compulsory schooling reform in Germany
M Piopiunik
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 116 (3), 878-907, 2014
Was unzureichende Bildung kostet
L Wößmann, M Piopiunik
Eine Berechnung der Folgekosten durch entgangenes Wirtschaftswachstum …, 2009
Was unzureichende Bildung kostet. Eine Berechnung der Folgekosten durch entgangenes Wirtschaftswachstum.
L Wößmann, M Piopiunik
Why does height matter for educational attainment? Evidence from German children
F Cinnirella, M Piopiunik, J Winter
Economics & Human Biology 9 (4), 407-418, 2011
Improving the transition between education/training and the labour market: What can we learn from various national approaches?
M Piopiunik, P Ryan
EENEE Analytical Report 13, 2012
Do smarter teachers make smarter students?
EA Hanushek, M Piopiunik, S Wiederhold
Education next 19 (2), 57-64, 2019
Growing up in ethnic enclaves: language proficiency and educational attainment of immigrant children
AM Danzer, C Feuerbaum, M Piopiunik, L Woessmann
Journal of Population Economics 35 (3), 1297-1344, 2022
Einkommenserträge von Bildungsabschlüssen im Lebensverlauf: Aktuelle Berechnungen für Deutschland
M Piopiunik, F Kugler, L Wößmann
ifo Schnelldienst 70 (07), 19-30, 2017
Does the education level of refugees affect natives’ attitudes?
P Lergetporer, M Piopiunik, L Simon
European Economic Review 134, 103710, 2021
Speaking in numbers: The effect of reading performance on math performance among immigrants
IE Isphording, M Piopiunik, N Rodríguez-Planas
Economics Letters 139, 52-56, 2016
Volkswirtschaftliche Folgekosten unzureichender Bildung: Eine makroökonomische Projektion
M Piopiunik, L Wößmann
Bildungsverlierer: Neue Ungleichheiten, 463-473, 2010
Central school exit exams and labor-market outcomes
M Piopiunik, G Schwerdt, L Woessmann
European Journal of Political Economy 31, 93-108, 2013
Do Natives' Beliefs About Refugees' Education Level Affect Attitudes Toward Refugees? Evidence from a Randomized Survey Experiments
P Lergetporer, M Piopiunik, L Simon
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2018
Volkswirtschaftliche Erträge wirksamer Bildungsreformen zur Reduktion der Zahl der Risikoschüler
M Piopiunik, L Wößmann
Herkunft und Bildungserfolg von der frühen Kindheit bis ins Erwachsenenalter …, 2013
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