Tom Gross
Tom Gross
Full Professor and Chair of Human-Computer Interaction, University of Bamberg
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User-centered awareness in computer-supported cooperative work-systems: Structured embedding of findings from social sciences
T Gross, C Stary, A Totter
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 18 (3), 323-360, 2005
Rechnergestuetzte Gruppenarbeit (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work)
T Gross, M Koch
Oldenbourg, 2007
Supporting effortless coordination: 25 years of awareness research
T Gross
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 22, 425-474, 2013
Awareness in context-aware information systems
T Gross, M Specht
Mensch & Computer 2001: 1. Fachübergreifende Konferenz, 173-182, 2001
Modelling shared contexts in cooperative environments: concept, implementation, and evaluation
T Gross, W Prinz
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 13, 283-303, 2004
Computer-supported cooperative work-concepts and trends
M Koch, G Tom
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2006
Sens-ation: a service-oriented platform for developing sensor-based infrastructures
T Gross, T Egla, N Marquardt
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 1 (3), 159-167, 2006
Awareness in context: A light-weight approach
T Gross, W Prinz
ECSCW 2003: Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Computer …, 2003
Ambient interfaces: design challenges and recommendations
T Gross
Human computer interaction: theory and practice, 68-72, 2003
Toward advanced social TV in a cooperative media space
T Gross, M Fetter, T Paul-Stueve
Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 24 (2), 155-173, 2008
The effects of situational demands on gaze, speech and gesture input in the vehicle
F Roider, S Rümelin, B Pfleging, T Gross
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2017
A system for visualizing time varying oceanographic 3D data
R Arsenault, C Ware, M Plumlee, S Martin, LL Whitcomb, D Wiley, T Gross, ...
Oceans' 04 MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean'04 (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37600) 2, 743-747, 2004
I see your point: Integrating gaze to enhance pointing gesture accuracy while driving
F Roider, T Gross
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2018
AwarenessMaps: visualizing awareness in shared workspaces
T Gross, W Wirsam, W Graether
CHI'03 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 784-785, 2003
Towards a new human-centred computing methodology for cooperative ambient intelligence
T Gross
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 1, 31-42, 2010
Presenting activity information in an inhabited information space
W Prinz, U Pankoke-Babatz, W Gräther, T Gross, S Kolvenbach, L Schäfer
Inhabited information spaces: Living with your data, 181-208, 2004
The cuetable: cooperative and competitive multi-touch interaction on a tabletop
T Gross, M Fetter, S Liebsch
CHI'08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 3465-3470, 2008
Evaluating severity rating scales for heuristic evaluation
S Herr, N Baumgartner, T Gross
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
Technological support for e-democracy: History and perspectives
T Gross
Proceedings 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems …, 2000
PRIMI-an open platform for the rapid and easy development of instant messaging infrastructures
T Gross, C Oemig
31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications …, 2005
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