mobitopp–a modular agent-based travel demand modelling framework N Mallig, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch Procedia Computer Science 19, 854-859, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Potentials of autonomous vehicles in a changing private transportation system–a case study in the Stuttgart region M Heilig, T Hilgert, N Mallig, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch Transportation research procedia 26, 13-21, 2017 | 104 | 2017 |
Implementation of free-floating and station-based carsharing in an agent-based travel demand model M Heilig, N Mallig, O Schröder, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch Travel Behaviour and Society 12, 151-158, 2018 | 99 | 2018 |
A relational database for bibliometric analysis N Mallig Journal of Informetrics 4 (4), 564-580, 2010 | 76 | 2010 |
Modelling the weekly electricity demand caused by electric cars N Mallig, M Heilig, C Weiss, B Chlond, P Vortisch Future Generation Computer Systems 64, 140-150, 2016 | 39 | 2016 |
Calibrating VISSIM to analyze delay at signalized intersections HS Buck, N Mallig, P Vortisch Transportation Research Record 2615 (1), 73-81, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
Creating an integrated agent-based travel demand model by combining mobiTopp and MATSim L Briem, N Mallig, P Vortisch Procedia Computer Science 151, 776-781, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Modeling travel demand over a period of one week: The mobiTopp model N Mallig, P Vortisch arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05050, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Large-scale application of a combined destination and mode choice model estimated with mixed stated and revealed preference data M Heilig, N Mallig, T Hilgert, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch Transportation Research Record 2669 (1), 31-40, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Multiple-day agent-based modeling approach of station-based and free-floating carsharing M Heilig, N Mallig, O Schroeder, M Kagerbauer, P Vortisch Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Assessing the effects of a growing electric vehicle fleet using a microscopic travel demand model C Weiss, M Heilig, N Mallig, B Chlond, T Franke, T Schneidereit, ... European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 17 (3), 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Electric vehicles with range extenders: Evaluating the contribution to the sustainable development of metropolitan regions J Stark, C Weiß, R Trigui, T Franke, M Baumann, P Jochem, L Brethauer, ... Journal of Urban Planning and Development 144 (1), 04017023, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Efficient traffic assignment for public transit networks L Briem, S Buck, H Ebhart, N Mallig, B Strasser, P Vortisch, D Wagner, ... 16th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2017), 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Modeling car passenger trips in mobitopp N Mallig, P Vortisch Procedia Computer Science 52, 938-943, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Modellierung von Variabilitaet und Stabilitaet des Verkehrsverhaltens im Laengsschnitt mithilfe der Multi-Agenten-Simulation mobiTopp/Modelling variability and stability of … M Kagerbauer, N Mallig, P Vortisch, M Pfeiffer Straßenverkehrstechnik 59 (6), 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Integrating public transport into mobiTopp L Briem, HS Buck, N Mallig, P Vortisch, B Strasser, D Wagner, T Zündorf Future generation computer systems 107, 1089-1096, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Rahmenbedingungen und Potenziale für Ausgründungen aus der Wissenschaft M Kulicke, M Schleinkofer, N Mallig, J Schönenbrücher, C Heiser Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
Measuring stability of mode choice behavior N Mallig, P Vortisch Transportation Research Record 2664 (1), 1-10, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Modelling the weekly electricity demand caused by electric cars N Mallig, M Heilig, C Weiss, B Chlond, P Vortisch Procedia Computer Science 52, 444-451, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
How much range is required? A model based analysis of potential battery electric vehicle usage C Weiss, N Mallig, M Heilig, T Schneidereit, T Franke, P Vortisch Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |