Stefan Bertram
Stefan Bertram
Praxis Freilassing und Salzburg
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Diagnosing TMJ internal derangement and osteoarthritis with magnetic resonance imaging
S Bertram, A Rudisch, K Innerhofer, E Pümpel, G Grub-Wieser, R Emshoff
The Journal of the American Dental Association 132 (6), 753-761, 2001
The diagnostic value of ultrasonography to determine the temporomandibular joint disk position
R Emshoff, S Bertram, A Rudisch, R Gaßner
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 1997
Magnetic resonance imaging findings of internal derangement and effusion in patients with unilateral temporomandibular joint pain
A Rudisch, K Innerhofer, S Bertram, R Emshoff
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2001
Clinically important difference thresholds of the visual analog scale: a conceptual model for identifying meaningful intraindividual changes for pain intensity
R Emshoff, S Bertram, I Emshoff
PAIN® 152 (10), 2277-2282, 2011
Magnetic resonance imaging predictors of temporomandibular joint pain
R Emshoff, I Brandlmaier, S Gerhard, H Strobl, S Bertram, A Rudisch
The journal of the American dental association 134 (6), 705-714, 2003
Relationship between temporomandibular joint pain and magnetic resonance imaging findings of internal derangement
R Emshoff, K Innerhofer, A Rudisch, S Bertram
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 30 (2), 118-122, 2001
Disk displacement of the temporomandibular joint: sonography versus MR imaging
R Emshoff, S Jank, S Bertram, A Rudisch, G Bodner
American Journal of Roentgenology 178 (6), 1557-1562, 2002
Relative odds of temporomandibular joint pain as a function of magnetic resonance imaging findings of internal derangement, osteoarthrosis, effusion, and bone marrow edema
R Emshoff, I Brandlmaier, S Bertram, A Rudisch
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2003
Ultrasonographic cross-sectional characteristics of muscles of the head and neck
R Emshoff, S Bertram, H Strobl
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 1999
Clinical versus magnetic resonance imaging findings with internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: an evaluation of anterior disc displacement without reduction
R Emshoff, K Innerhofer, A Rudisch, S Bertram
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 60 (1), 36-41, 2002
The biological concept of “internal derangement and osteoarthrosis”: a diagnostic approach in patients with temporomandibular joint pain?
R Emshoff, K Innerhofer, A Rudisch, S Bertram
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2002
Magnetic resonance imaging findings of internal derangement in temporomandibular joints without a clinical diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder
R Emshoff, A Rudisch, K Innerhofer, I Brandlmaier, I Moschen, S Bertram
Journal of oral rehabilitation 29 (6), 516-522, 2002
Validation of the clinical diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders for the diagnostic subgroup–disc derangement with reduction
R Emshoff, I Brandlmaier, R Bo¨ sch, S Gerhard, A Rudisch, S Bertram
Journal of oral rehabilitation 29 (12), 1139-1145, 2002
Cross-sectional characteristics of the masseter muscle: an ultrasonographic study
S Bertram, I Brandlmaier, A Rudisch, G Bodner, R Emshoff
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 32 (1), 64-68, 2003
Comparing methods for diagnosing temporomandibular joint disk displacement without reduction
R Emshoff, I Brandlmaier, S Bertram, A Rudisch
The journal of the American dental association 133 (4), 442-451, 2002
Temporomandibular joint internal derangement type III: relationship to magnetic resonance imaging findings of internal derangement and osteoarthrosis
R Emshoff, A Rudisch, K Innerhofer, R Bösch, S Bertram
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 30 (5), 390-396, 2001
Reliability and temporal variation of masseter muscle thickness measurements utilizing ultrasonography
R Emshoff, I Emshoff, A Rudisch, S Bertram
Journal of oral rehabilitation 30 (12), 1168-1172, 2003
Risk factors for temporomandibular joint pain in patients with disc displacement without reduction–a magnetic resonance imaging study
R Emshoff, I Brandlmaier, S Bertram, A Rudisch
Journal of oral rehabilitation 30 (5), 537-543, 2003
Ultrasonographic assessment of local cross‐sectional dimensions of masseter muscle sites: a reproducible technique?
R Emshoff, S Bertram, I Brandlmaier, G Scheiderbauer, A Rudisch, ...
Journal of oral rehabilitation 29 (11), 1059-1062, 2002
Ultrasonographic anatomy of the anterior neck: implications for tracheostomy
S Bertram, R Emshoff, B Norer
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 53 (12), 1420-1424, 1995
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