Mineichi Kudo
Mineichi Kudo
Professor of Computer Science, Hokkaido University
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Comparison of algorithms that select features for pattern classifiers
M Kudo, J Sklansky
Pattern recognition 33 (1), 25-41, 2000
Multidimensional curve classification using passing-through regions
M Kudo, J Toyama, M Shimbo
Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (11-13), 1103-1111, 1999
Partitioning of web graphs by community topology
H Ino, M Kudo, A Nakamura
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 661-669, 2005
Algorithms for adversarial bandit problems with multiple plays
T Uchiya, A Nakamura, M Kudo
International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, 375-389, 2010
Performance analysis of minimum/spl lscr//sub 1/-norm solutions for underdetermined source separation
I Takigawa, M Kudo, J Toyama
IEEE transactions on signal processing 52 (3), 582-591, 2004
Privacy-preserved behavior analysis and fall detection by an infrared ceiling sensor network
S Tao, M Kudo, H Nonaka
Sensors 12 (12), 16920-16936, 2012
Sitting posture analysis by pressure sensors
K Kamiya, M Kudo, H Nonaka, J Toyama
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Non-parametric classifier-independent feature selection
N Abe, M Kudo
Pattern recognition 39 (5), 737-746, 2006
A comparative evaluation of medium-and large-scale feature selectors for pattern classifiers
M Kudo, J Sklansky
Kybernetika 34 (4), [429]-434, 1998
VHP: approximate nearest neighbor search via virtual hypersphere partitioning
K Lu, H Wang, W Wang, M Kudo
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (9), 1443-1455, 2020
MDL-based selection of the number of components in mixture models for pattern classification
H Tenmoto, M Kudo, M Shimbo
Advances in Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 …, 1998
A fast hierarchical alternating least squares algorithm for orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization
K Kimura, Y Tanaka, M Kudo
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 129-141, 2015
Entropy criterion for classifier-independent feature selection
N Abe, M Kudo
International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and …, 2005
Segmentation of pores in wood microscopic images based on mathematical morphology with a variable structuring element
S Pan, M Kudo
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 75 (2), 250-260, 2011
Multi-label classification with meta-label-specific features
L Sun, M Kudo, K Kimura
2016 23rd International conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 1612-1617, 2016
Efficient action recognition via local position offset of 3D skeletal body joints
G Lu, Y Zhou, X Li, M Kudo
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 3479-3494, 2016
Construction of class regions by a randomized algorithm: A randomized subclass method
M Kudo, S Yanagi, M Shimbo
Pattern Recognition 29 (4), 581-588, 1996
Data compression by volume prototypes for streaming data
K Tabata, M Sato, M Kudo
Pattern Recognition 43 (9), 3162-3176, 2010
R2LSH: A nearest neighbor search scheme based on two-dimensional projected spaces
K Lu, M Kudo
2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1045-1056, 2020
Multiperson locating and their soft tracking in a binary infrared sensor network
S Tao, M Kudo, BN Pei, H Nonaka, J Toyama
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 45 (5), 550-561, 2014
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