Daniel Pietschmann
Daniel Pietschmann
Institute for Media Research, TU Chemnitz
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Transmedia Critical| Limitations of Transmedia Storytelling for Children: A Cognitive Developmental Analysis
D Pietschmann, S Völkel, P Ohler
International Journal of Communication 8, 22, 2014
Continuous measurement of breaks in presence: psychophysiology and orienting responses
B Liebold, M Brill, D Pietschmann, F Schwab, P Ohler
Media Psychology 20 (3), 477-501, 2017
The effect of authentic input devices on computer game immersion
D Pietschmann, G Valtin, P Ohler
Computer games and new media cultures: A handbook of digital games studies …, 2012
Das Erleben virtueller Welten: Involvierung, Immersion und Engagement in Computerspielen
D Pietschmann
Hülsbusch, 2009
The golden (hands) rule: Exploring user experiences with gamepad and natural-user interfaces in popular video games
ND Bowman, D Pietschmann, B Liebold
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 9 (1), 71-85, 2017
The common player-avatar interaction scale (cPAX): Expansion and cross-language validation
J Banks, ND Bowman, JHT Lin, D Pietschmann, JA Wasserman
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 129, 64-73, 2019
Das erleben virtueller Welten
D Pietschmann
Involvierung, Immersion und Engagement in Computerspielen. Verlag Werner …, 2009
Natural in the eyes of the (be) holder: A survey on novelty and learning effects in the enjoyment of naturally mapped video game controllers.
B Liebold, ND Bowman, D Pietschmann
Psychology of Popular Media 9 (2), 255, 2020
Spatial Mapping in virtuellen Umgebungen: Relevanz räumlicher Informationen für die User Experience und Aufgabenleistung
D Pietschmann
Springer-Verlag, 2014
Extensive modding for experimental game research
MR Mohseni, B Liebold, D Pietschmann
Game research methods, 323-340, 2015
Taking space literally: reconceptualizing the effects of stereoscopic representation on user experience
D Pietschmann, B Liebold, G Valtin, P Ohler
G| A| M| E Games as Art, Media, Entertainment 1 (2), 2013
Evolutionary psychology and digital games: Digital hunter-gatherers
J Breuer, D Pietschmann, B Liebold, BP Lange
Routledge, 2018
Hierarchy visualization designs and their impact on perception and problem solving strategies
NH Müller, B Liebold, D Pietschmann, P Ohler, P Rosenthal
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2017
Affecting explicit and implicit body image with thin-idealized avatars in virtual reality: The role of sense of embodiment
T Liu, D Pietschmann, P Ohler
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 25 (3), 174-180, 2022
Matching levels of task difficulty for different modes of presentation in a VR table tennis simulation by using assistance functions and regression analysis
D Pietschmann, S Rusdorf
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Designing and Developing Virtual and …, 2014
Why an evolutionary psychological approach to digital games?
BP Lange, J Breuer, B Liebold, D Pietschmann
Evolutionary Psychology and Digital Games, 1-13, 2018
Spatial mapping of physical and virtual spaces as an extension of natural mapping: Relevance for interaction design and user experience
D Pietschmann, P Ohler
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 7th International Conference, VAMR …, 2015
Methodology of measuring social immersion in online role-playing games: Exemplary experimental research on social interactions in virtual worlds
G Valtin, D Pietschmann, B Liebold, P Ohler
Multiplayer, 49-57, 2013
The MMORPG designer’s journey: casualization and its consequences for social interactions
D Pietschmann, B Liebold, G Valtin
New Perspectives on the Social Aspects of Digital Gaming, 82-96, 2017
Digitale Demenz. Eine wissenschaftliche Verortung der aktuellen Monografie von Manfred Spitzer
P Ohler, B Liebold, D Pietschmann, G Valtin, G Nieding
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen (FSF) eV (Hg.): Spannung. Warum wir …, 2013
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