Amr Usama Abourayya
Amr Usama Abourayya
IKIM – Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Ruhr-Universität Bochum
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Zitiert von
Unveiling CO adsorption on Cu surfaces: new insights from molecular orbital principles
KM Gameel, IM Sharafeldin, AU Abourayya, AH Biby, NK Allam
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (40), 25892-25900, 2018
MedShapeNet--A large-scale dataset of 3D medical shapes for computer vision
J Li, Z Zhou, J Yang, A Pepe, C Gsaxner, G Luijten, C Qu, T Zhang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16139, 2023
Protecting Sensitive Data through Federated Co-Training
A Abourayya, J Kleesiek, K Rao, E Ayday, B Rao, G Webb, M Kamp
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05696, 2023
FAM: Relative Flatness Aware Minimization
L Adilova, A Abourayya, J Li, A Dada, H Petzka, J Egger, J Kleesiek, ...
Topological, Algebraic and Geometric Learning Workshops 2023, 37-49, 2023
AIMHI: Protecting sensitive data through federated co-training
A Abourayya, M Kamp, E Ayday, J Kleesiek, K Rao, GI Webb, B Rao
Workshop on Federated Learning: Recent Advances and New Challenges (in …, 2022
Artificial neural networks implementation to predict the solution of nonlinear ODE system for the application to turbulent combustion modeling
AUM Abourayya
Wien, 2021
Theoretical and DFT Analysis of the CO Adsorption Mechanism Late Transition Metal Surfaces
MS *Icell Sharafeldin*, Kareem Gameel*, Amr Usama Abourayya*, Ahmed H. Biby*
NanoWorld Conference, 2017
Joint Master’s Programme-MathMods Mathematical Modelling in Engineering: Theory, Numerics, Applications
AUM Abourayya
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