Jens Nieschulze
Jens Nieschulze
Research Support Officer, University of Goettingen
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Cited by
Implementing large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research: The Biodiversity Exploratories
M Fischer, O Bossdorf, S Gockel, F Hänsel, A Hemp, D Hessenmöller, ...
Basic and applied Ecology 11 (6), 473-485, 2010
Importance of methane and nitrous oxide for Europe's terrestrial greenhouse-gas balance
ED Schulze, S Luyssaert, P Ciais, A Freibauer, IA Janssens
Nature Geoscience 2 (12), 842-850, 2009
A quantitative index of land-use intensity in grasslands: Integrating mowing, grazing and fertilization
N Blüthgen, CF Dormann, D Prati, VH Klaus, T Kleinebecker, N Hölzel, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 13 (3), 207-220, 2012
Moving in three dimensions: effects of structural complexity on occurrence and activity of insectivorous bats in managed forest stands
K Jung, S Kaiser, S Böhm, J Nieschulze, EKV Kalko
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (2), 523-531, 2012
The European carbon balance. Part 4: integration of carbon and other trace‐gas fluxes
ED Schulze, P Ciais, S Luyssaert, M Schrumpf, IA Janssens, ...
Global Change Biology 16 (5), 1451-1469, 2010
Towards an Integrated Biodiversity and Ecological Research Data Management and Archiving Platform: The German Federation for the Curation of Biological Data (GFBio).
M Diepenbroek, F Glöckner, A Grobe, P., Güntsch, R Huber, B König-Ries, ...
In: Plödereder, E., Grunske, L., Schneider, E. & Ull, D. (eds): Informatik …, 2014
Identification of forest management types from ground-based and remotely sensed variables and the effects of forest management on forest structure and composition.
D Hessenmoller, J Nieschulze, N Lüpke, ED Schulze
Diverse or uniform?—Intercomparison of two major German project databases for interdisciplinary collaborative functional biodiversity research
T Lotz, J Nieschulze, J Bendix, M Dobbermann, B König-Ries
Ecological informatics 8, 10-19, 2012
Divergent response to forest structure of two mobile vertebrate groups
SC Renner, M Suarez-Rubio, S Kaiser, J Nieschulze, EKV Kalko, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 415, 129-138, 2018
“Anpassungstrategien für eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung unter sich wandelnden Klimabedingungen-Entwicklung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems" Wald und Klimawandel …
MD Jansen, B Ahrends, A Bolte, B Möhring, K Staupendahl
Satellite-based prediction of rainfall interception by tropical forest stands of a human-dominated landscape in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
J Nieschulze, S Erasmi, J Dietz, D Hölscher
Journal of Hydrology 364 (3-4), 227-235, 2009
Web service based spatial forest information system using an open source software approach
S Li, J Saborowski, J Nieschulze, Z Li, Y Lu, E Chen
Journal of Forestry Research 18, 85-90, 2007
Data platforms in integrative biodiversity research
J Bendix, J Nieschulze, WK Michener
Ecological Informatics 11, 1-4, 2012
Regionalization of variables of sample based forest inventories at the district level
J Nieschulze
Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2003
Biodiversitätsmonitoring in Deutschland: Wie Wissenschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft ein nationales Monitoring unterstützen können
J Geschke, K Vohland, A Bonn, J Dauber, MO Gessner, K Henle, ...
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 28 (Number 3), pp …, 2019
An assessment of forest canopy structure by LiDAR: derivation and stability of canopy structure parameters across forest management types.
J Nieschulze, R Zimmermann, A Börner, ED Schulze
Herleitung von einzelbestandesweisen Informationen aus Betriebsinventuren für die Zwecke der Forsteinrichtung
J Nieschulze, TH Böckmann, J Nagel, J Saborowski
AFJZ 9, 169-176, 2005
Remotely sensed digital height models and GIS for monitoring and modeling ecological characteristics of forest stands.
RS Nuske, J Nieschulze
The vegetation height as a tool for stand height determination: an application of automated digital photogrammetry in forestry.
RS Nuske, J Nieschulze
Herausforderungen, Probleme und Lösungsansätze im Datenmanagement von Sonderforschungsbereichen
C Mückschel, J Nieschulze, C Weist, B Sloboda, W Köhler
eZAI (elektronische Zeitschrift für Agrarinformatik) 2, 1-16, 2007
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Articles 1–20