Johannes-Y. Lohrer
Johannes-Y. Lohrer
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The genesis and spread of the early Fritzens-Sanzeno culture (5th/4th cent. BCE)–Stable isotope analysis of cremated and uncremated skeletal finds
G Grupe, D Klaut, L Otto, M Mauder, J Lohrer, P Kröger, A Lang
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102121, 2020
Fatbird: A tool for flight and trajectories analyses of birds
D Kazempour, A Beer, F Herzog, D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, T Seidl
2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 75-82, 2018
OssoBook v5. 6.2
D Kaltenthaler, J Lohrer, P Kröger, C van der Meijden, E Granado, ...
SAPM & IPNA: Munich & Basel, 2018
A generic framework for synchronized distributed data management in archaeological related disciplines
JY Lohrer, D Kaltenthaler, P Kröger, C van der Meijden, H Obermaier
Future Generation Computer Systems 56, 558-570, 2016
Multi‐isotope fingerprints (O, Sr and Pb) in archaeological animal bone bioapatite: Similarity search and the suitability for provenance analysis in a geologically complex …
L Tschetsch, A Mussauer, M Mauder, J Lohrer, P Kröger, C Mayr, ...
Archaeometry 62, 35-52, 2020
PARADISO: an interactive approach of parameter selection for the mean shift algorithm
D Kazempour, A Beer, JY Lohrer, D Kaltenthaler, T Seidl
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Scientific and …, 2018
Interdisciplinary knowledge cohesion through distributed information management systems
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, F Richter, P Kröger
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (4), 413-426, 2018
Provenance analysis of cremated skeletal remains by stable isotopes
G Grupe, M Mauder, P Kröger, J Lohrer, S Sebald, M Zeiler, A Lang, ...
Anthropologischer Anzeiger 78 (1-2), 21-32, 2020
The Historic Development of the Zooarchaeological Database OssoBook and the xBook Framework for Scientific Databases
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.08052, 2018
TaRDIS, a Visual Analytics System for Spatial and Temporal Data in Archaeo-related Disciplines
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, PD Paxinos, D Hämmerle, H Obermaier, ...
2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 345-353, 2017
A Framework for Supporting the Workflow for Archaeo-related Sciences: Managing, Synchronizing and Analyzing Data
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, P Kröger, H Obermaier
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2017
Retrieval of heterogeneous data from dynamic and anonymous sources
JY Lohrer, D Kaltenthaler, F Richter, T Sizova, P Kröger, ...
2018 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science …, 2018
Leveraging Data Analysis for Domain Experts: An Embeddable Framework for Basic Data Science Tasks.
JY Lohrer, D Kaltenthaler, P Kröger
International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2016
Synchronized data management and its integration into a graphical user interface for archaeological related disciplines
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, P Kröger, CH van der Meijden, H Obermaier
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users and Interactions: 4th …, 2015
An e-science infrastructure for collecting, sharing, retrieving, and analyzing heterogeneous scientific data
JY Lohrer
lmu, 2018
xBook, a Framework for Common Scientific Databases
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, P Kröger, H Obermaier
HCI International 2018–Posters' Extended Abstracts: 20th International …, 2018
ReMIS and ReMIS Cloud: Information Systems for Retrieving Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Data
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, P Kröger
HCI International 2018–Posters' Extended Abstracts: 20th International …, 2018
Informationssysteme für (inter) disziplinäre Daten: Zusammenführung aus verteilten und heterogenen Datenquellen
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer
Episteme in Bewegung, 67, 0
eScience 2014
JY Lohrer, D Kaltenthaler, P Kröger, CH van der Meijden, H Obermaier
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Artikel 1–19