Pascal Kaienburg
Pascal Kaienburg
EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oxford
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Reduced voltage losses yield 10% efficient fullerene free organic solar cells with> 1 V open circuit voltages
D Baran, T Kirchartz, S Wheeler, S Dimitrov, M Abdelsamie, J Gorman, ...
Energy & environmental science 9 (12), 3783-3793, 2016
Extracting information about the electronic quality of organic solar-cell absorbers from fill factor and thickness
P Kaienburg, U Rau, T Kirchartz
Physical review applied 6 (2), 024001, 2016
Understanding thermal admittance spectroscopy in low-mobility semiconductors
S Wang, P Kaienburg, B Klingebiel, D Schillings, T Kirchartz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (18), 9795-9803, 2018
Figures of merit guiding research on organic solar cells
T Kirchartz, P Kaienburg, D Baran
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (11), 5829-5843, 2018
Controlling energy levels and Fermi level en route to fully tailored energetics in organic semiconductors
R Warren, A Privitera, P Kaienburg, AE Lauritzen, O Thimm, J Nelson, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 5538, 2019
Multifunctional ytterbium oxide buffer for perovskite solar cells
P Chen, Y Xiao, J Hu, S Li, D Luo, R Su, P Caprioglio, P Kaienburg, X Jia, ...
Nature 625 (7995), 516-522, 2024
Developing design criteria for organic solar cells using well-absorbing non-fullerene acceptors
L Krückemeier, P Kaienburg, J Flohre, K Bittkau, I Zonno, B Krogmeier, ...
Communications Physics 1 (1), 27, 2018
How contact layers control shunting losses from pinholes in thin-film solar cells
P Kaienburg, P Hartnagel, BE Pieters, J Yu, D Grabowski, Z Liu, J Haddad, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (48), 27263-27272, 2018
Spin-coated planar Sb2S3 hybrid solar cells approaching 5% efficiency
P Kaienburg, B Klingebiel, T Kirchartz
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 9 (1), 2114-2124, 2018
Charge transfer state characterization and voltage losses of organic solar cells
A Jungbluth, P Kaienburg, M Riede
Journal of Physics: Materials 5 (2), 024002, 2022
How solar cell efficiency is governed by the αμτ product
P Kaienburg, L Krückemeier, D Lübke, J Nelson, U Rau, T Kirchartz
Physical review research 2 (2), 023109, 2020
Electron spin as fingerprint for charge generation and transport in doped organic semiconductors
A Privitera, R Warren, G Londi, P Kaienburg, J Liu, A Sperlich, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (8), 2944-2954, 2021
In Situ Observations of the Growth Mode of Vacuum-Deposited α-Sexithiophene
TL Derrien, AE Lauritzen, P Kaienburg, JFM Hardigree, C Nicklin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (22), 11863-11869, 2020
A novel high speed spectral response measurement system based on LED light sources
W Reetz, D Erdweg, W Hilgers, P Kaienburg, A Gerber, BE Pieters, U Rau
Proc. 26th EU PVSEC, 113-116, 2011
Assessing the photovoltaic quality of vacuum‐thermal evaporated organic semiconductor blends
P Kaienburg, A Jungbluth, I Habib, SV Kesava, M Nyman, MK Riede
Advanced Materials 34 (22), 2107584, 2022
Vacuum-Deposited Donors for Low-Voltage-Loss Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells
P Kaienburg, H Bristow, A Jungbluth, I Habib, I McCulloch, D Beljonne, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (26), 31684-31691, 2023
Roadmap on Photovoltaic Absorber Materials for Sustainable Energy Conversion
JC Blakesley, RS Bonilla, M Freitag, AM Ganose, N Gasparini, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.19430, 2023
Understanding the role of non-fullerene acceptor crystallinity in the charge transport properties and performance of organic solar cells
P Mondelli, P Kaienburg, F Silvestri, R Scatena, C Welton, M Grandjean, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (30), 16263-16278, 2023
Synchrotron techniques for African research and technology: A step-change in structural biology and energy materials
C Nicklin, R Stredwick, T Sewell
Synchrotron Radiation News 35 (1), 14-19, 2022
Low-temperature compatible electrostatic comb-drive actuators with integrated graphene
M Goldsche, T Khodkov, P Kaienburg, C Neumann, C Stampfer, ...
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular …, 2014
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