Timothy Gupton
Timothy Gupton
Professor of Spanish Linguistics, University of Georgia
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The syntax-information structure interface: Subjects and clausal word order in Galician
TM Gupton
The University of Iowa, 2010
Why we need a gradient approach to word order
N Levshina, S Namboodiripad, M Allassonnière-Tang, M Kramer, ...
Linguistics 61 (4), 825-883, 2023
The syntax-information structure interface: Clausal word order and the left periphery in Galician
T Gupton
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2014
An F Projection in Cibeño Dominican Spanish
T Gupton, S Lowman
Selected proceedings of the 16th Hispanic Linguistics symposium, 338-348, 2013
Experimental methodologies: Two case studies investigating the syntax-discourse interface
T Gupton, TL Méndez
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 6 (1), 139-164, 2013
Object clitics in Galician and complications for clausal analyses
T Gupton
Selected Proceedings of the 14th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, 272-284, 2012
Early minority language acquirers of Spanish exhibit focus-related interface asymmetries: Word order alternation and optionality in Spanish-Catalan, Spanish-Galician, and …
T Gupton
Bilingualism and minority languages in Europe, 212-239, 2017
Teaching Hispanic linguistics: Strategies to engage learners
SM Knouse, T Gupton, L Abreu
Hispania 98 (2), 319-332, 2015
Preverbal subjects in Galician: Experimental data in the A vs. A′ debate
T Gupton
Probus 26 (1), 135-175, 2014
Verbless DP interrogative constructions and enclisis in Galician
BM Gravely, TM Gupton
Language Patterns in Spanish and Beyond, 97-121, 2020
Focus at the syntax–discourse interface in L2 Spanish: Optionality and unaccusativity reconsidered
T Gupton, S Sanchez Calderon
Second Language Research 39 (1), 185-229, 2023
Acceptability Experiments in Romance Languages
T Leal, T Gupton
The Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Syntax, 448-476, 2021
Nanoparameters in Western Iberian Romance: Null-copulas in Galician and Asturian
B Gravely, T Gupton
Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 8 (1), 1-31, 2022
Aligning syntax and prosody in Galician
TM Gupton
East and west of the Pentacrest: Linguistic studies in honor of Paula …, 2021
La lingüística y sus beneficios para la enseñanza del español
L Hodges, S Knouse, T Gupton
Hispanic Studies Review 7 (2), 22, 2023
Focus-related operations at the right edge in Spanish: Subjects and ellipsis by Iván Ortega-Santos
T Gupton
Language 94 (1), 225-228, 2018
A Piece of the EPP Puzzle: Preverbal Subjects in Galician
T Gupton, V DPobj, TP DPobj
Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS), University of Western Ontario, 19-22, 2006
Sobre la estructura del sintagma verbal (VP)“ter”+ la concordancia (in) variable del participio en el español de Asturias Occidental”
T Gupton
Actas del XXIII Congreso internacional de lingüística y filología románica 2 …, 2003
What Formal Approaches to Syntactic Interfaces Can Tell Us about the Syntax of Preverbal and Prenominal Constituents in Galician
T Gupton, B Gravely
Languages 9 (8), 2024
The left-peripheral syntax of Brazilian Portuguese cadê
B Gravely, T Gupton
Wh-exclamatives, Imperatives and Wh-questions, 387-408, 2024
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