Benedikt Leichtmann
Benedikt Leichtmann
Post-Doc Researcher, Department of Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Effects of Explainable Artificial Intelligence on trust and human behavior in a high-risk decision task
B Leichtmann, C Humer, A Hinterreiter, M Streit, M Mara
Computers in Human Behavior 139, 107539, 2023
How much distance do humans keep toward robots? Literature review, meta-analysis, and theoretical considerations on personal space in human-robot interaction
B Leichtmann, V Nitsch
Journal of Environmental Psychology 68, 101386, 2020
Crisis ahead? Why human-robot interaction user studies may have replicability problems and directions for improvement
B Leichtmann, V Nitsch, M Mara
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9, 838116, 2022
Explainable artificial intelligence improves human decision-making: results from a mushroom picking experiment at a public art festival
B Leichtmann, A Hinterreiter, C Humer, M Streit, M Mara
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 40 (17), 4787-4804, 2024
Is the social desirability effect in human–robot interaction overestimated? A conceptual replication study indicates less robust effects
B Leichtmann, V Nitsch
International Journal of Social Robotics 13 (5), 1013-1031, 2021
Ecological momentary assessment of digital literacy: Influence of fluid and crystallized intelligence, domain-specific knowledge, and computer usage
A Moehring, U Schroeders, B Leichtmann, O Wilhelm
Intelligence 59, 170-180, 2016
Help me make a dinner! Challenges when assisting humans in action planning
G Behnke, B Leichtmann, P Bercher, D Holler, V Nitsch, M Baumann, ...
2017 international conference on companion technology (ICCT), 1-6, 2017
New short scale to measure workers’ attitudes toward the implementation of cooperative robots in industrial work settings: Instrument development and exploration of attitude …
B Leichtmann, J Hartung, O Wilhelm, V Nitsch
International Journal of Social Robotics 15 (6), 909-930, 2023
Development and validation of a basic psychological needs scale for technology use
L Moradbakhti, B Leichtmann, M Mara
Preprint, 2022
Comparing effects of attribution-based, example-based, and feature-based explanation methods on ai-assisted decision-making
C Humer, A Hinterreiter, B Leichtmann, M Mara, M Streit
OSF Preprints 2, 2022
Personal space in human-robot interaction at work: Effect of room size and working memory load
B Leichtmann, A Lottermoser, J Berger, V Nitsch
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI) 11 (4), 1-19, 2022
Work system analysis for the user-centered development of cooperative mobile robots
B Leichtmann, F Schnös, P Rinck, M Zäh, V Nitsch
Arbeit(s).Wissen.Schaf(f)t Grundlage für Management & Kompetenzentwicklung …, 2018
From task analysis to wireframe design: an approach to user-centered design of a GUI for mobile HRI at assembly workplaces
C Colceriu, B Leichtmann, S Brell-Cokcan, W Jonas, V Nitsch
2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2022
Soziale Robotik und Roboterpsychologie: Was psychologische Forschung zur menschzentrierten Entwicklung robotischer Systeme beiträgt
M Mara, B Leichtmann
Soziale Roboter: Technikwissenschaftliche, wirtschaftswissenschaftliche …, 2021
Hands-free reading Braille with a vibrotactile wristband
S Schätzle, B Weber, B Leichtmann
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human …, 2017
Abschlussbericht: FORobotics-mobile ad-hoc kooperierende Roboterteams
J Berger, C Colceriu, A Blank, J Franke, C Härdtlein, T Hellig, D Henrich, ...
Towards a companion system incorporating human planning behavior: A qualitative analysis of human strategies
B Leichtmann, P Bercher, D Holler, G Behnke, S Biundo, V Nitsch, ...
3rd Transdisciplinary Conference on Support Technologies (TCST 2018), 89-98, 2018
Teaming with a Robot in Mixed Reality: Dynamics of Trust, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Models Affected by Information Richness
B Leichtmann, T Meneweger, C Busch, B Reiterer, K Meyer, D Rammer, ...
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-18, 2024
Analyzing socially acceptable human-robot interaction holistically-a social-psychological multi-level approach
B Leichtmann
Dissertation, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, 2021, 2021
Opportune moments for task interruptions: examining the cognitive mechanisms underlying interruption-timing effects
P Hirsch, L Moretti, B Leichtmann, I Koch, V Nitsch
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1465323, 2025
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