Alexander Ferrein
Alexander Ferrein
Professor of Robotics, Mobile Autonomous Systems & Cognitive Robotics Institute, FH Aachen
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Cited by
A ROS~ 2-based Navigation and Simulation Stack for the Robotino
S Borse, T Viehmann, A Ferrein, G Lakemeyer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.09441, 2024
Towards Conceptually Elevating Modern Concepts of Operational Design Domains and Implications for Operating in Unstructured Environments
J Eichenbaum, L Bracht, J Schulte-Tigges, M Reke, A Ferrein, I Scholl
European Conference on Software Process Improvement, 172-185, 2024
GOLOG++ Hits the (Right) Spot: Interfacing Golog with a Quadruped Rescue Robot for High-Level Missions.
M Kirsch, S Pawar, A Ferrein, S Schiffer
ICAART (3), 1052-1059, 2024
Controlling a fleet of autonomous LHD vehicles in mining operation
A Ferrein, G Nikolovski, N Limpert, M Reke, S Schiffer, I Scholl
IntechOpen, 2023
Extraction of Semantically Rich High-Definition Maps from Spatial Representations of an Open Pit Mine
A Braining, G Nikolovski, M Reke, A Ferrein
2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2023
Towards a lifelong mapping approach using lanelet 2 for autonomous open-pit mine operations
J Eichenbaum, G Nikolovski, L Mülhens, M Reke, A Ferrein, I Scholl
2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2023
Anomaly detection in the metal-textile industry for the reduction of the cognitive load of quality control workers
T Arndt, M Conzen, I Elsen, A Ferrein, O Galla, H KöSe, S Schiffer, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies …, 2023
Model-predictive control with parallelised optimisation for the navigation of autonomous mining vehicles
G Nikolovski, N Limpert, H Nessau, M Reke, A Ferrein
2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1-6, 2023
Winning the RoboCup Logistics League with Visual Servoing and Centralized Goal Reasoning
A Ferrein, G Lakemeyer
RoboCup 2022:: Robot World Cup XXV 13561, 300, 2023
Approach for the identification of requirements on the design of AI-supported work systems (in problem-based projects)
M Harlacher, A Altepost, I Elsen, A Ferrein, A Hansen-Ampah, W Merx, ...
EPEAI AI in business and economics—The economic perspective on artificial …, 2023
Towards a Fleet of Autonomous Haul-Dump Vehicles in Hybrid Mines.
A Ferrein, M Reke, I Scholl, B Decker, N Limpert, G Nikolovski, S Schiffer
ICAART (1), 278-288, 2023
Benchmarking of various LiDAR sensors for use in self-driving vehicles in real-world environments
J Schulte-Tigges, M Förster, G Nikolovski, M Reke, A Ferrein, D Kaszner, ...
Sensors 22 (19), 7146, 2022
Winning the RoboCup logistics league with visual servoing and centralized goal reasoning
T Viehmann, N Limpert, T Hofmann, M Henning, A Ferrein, G Lakemeyer
Robot World Cup, 300-312, 2022
GPU based model-predictive path control for self-driving vehicles
E Chajan, J Schulte-Tigges, M Reke, A Ferrein, D Matheis, T Walter
2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1243-1248, 2021
CO2 Meter: A do-it-yourself carbon dioxide measuring device for the classroom
T Dey, I Elsen, A Ferrein, T Frauenrath, M Reke, S Schiffer
Proceedings of the 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive …, 2021
Portable High-level Agent Programming with golog++.
V Mataré, T Viehmann, T Hofmann, G Lakemeyer, A Ferrein, S Schiffer
ICAART (2), 218-227, 2021
Compiling ROS Schooling Curricula via Contentual Taxonomies
A Ferrein, M Meeßen, N Limpert, S Schiffer
Robotics in Education: Methodologies and Technologies, 49-60, 2021
A smart factory setup based on the RoboCup logistics league
NS Eltester, A Ferrein, S Schiffer
2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS) 1, 297-302, 2020
A self-driving car architecture in ROS2
M Reke, D Peter, J Schulte-Tigges, S Schiffer, A Ferrein, T Walter, ...
2020 International SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA Conference, 1-6, 2020
Integrating golog++ and ROS for Practical and Portable High-level Control.
M Kirsch, V Mataré, A Ferrein, S Schiffer
ICAART (2), 692-699, 2020
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Articles 1–20