Rajib Saha
Rajib Saha
Principal Researcher, Product Development Research Group,R&D, Tata Steel,India
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Evaluation of Formability and Mechanical Behavior of Laser-Welded Tailored Blanks Made of Interstitial-Free and Dual-Phase Steels
Sujit Chatterjee, Rajib Saha, M. Shome, R. K. Ray
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40 (5), 1142-52, 2009
Fully recrystallized nanostructure fabricated without severe plastic deformation in high-Mn austenitic steel
R Saha, R Ueji, N Tsuji
Scripta Materialia 68 (10), 813-816, 2013
Engineering heterogeneous microstructure by severe warm-rolling for enhancing strength-ductility synergy in eutectic high entropy alloys
SR Reddy, S Yoshida, U Sunkari, A Lozinko, J Joseph, R Saha, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 764, 138226, 2019
Severe plastic deformation driven nanostructure and phase evolution in a Al0. 5CoCrFeMnNi dual phase high entropy alloy
TS Reddy, IS Wani, T Bhattacharjee, SR Reddy, R Saha, ...
Intermetallics 91, 150-157, 2017
Microstructural and textural changes in a severely cold rolled boron-added interstitial-free steel
R Saha, RK Ray
Scripta Materialia 57 (9), 841-844, 2007
Microstructure engineering by dispersing nano-spheroid cementite in ultrafine-grained ferrite and its implications on strength-ductility relationship in high carbon steel
C Prasad, P Bhuyan, C Kaithwas, R Saha, S Mandal
Materials & Design 139, 324-335, 2018
Hot-workability of super-304H exhibiting continuous to discontinuous dynamic recrystallization transition
KA Babu, YH Mozumder, R Saha, VS Sarma, S Mandal
Materials Science and Engineering: A 734, 269-280, 2018
Attaining deep drawability and non-earing properties in Ti+ Nb interstitial-free steels through double cold rolling and annealing
R Saha, RK Ray, D Bhattacharjee
Scripta Materialia 57 (3), 257-260, 2007
Flow characteristics and hot workability studies of a Ni-containing Fe‑Mn‑Al‑C lightweight duplex steel
YH Mozumder, KA Babu, R Saha, S Mandal
Materials Characterization 146, 1-14, 2018
Influence of hard plate hot forging temperature on the microstructure, texture and mechanical properties in a lean Mg–Zn–Al alloy
S Sanyal, S Kanodia, R Saha, TK Bandyopadhyay, S Mandal
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 800, 343-354, 2019
Effect of Nb micro-alloying on microstructure and properties of thermo-mechanically processed high carbon pearlitic steel
I Dey, S Chandra, R Saha, SK Ghosh
Materials Characterization 140, 45-54, 2018
Heterogeneous precipitation mediated heterogeneous nanostructure enhances strength-ductility synergy in severely cryo-rolled and annealed CoCrFeNi2. 1Nb0. 2 high entropy alloy
U Sunkari, SR Reddy, BDS Rathod, SSS Kumar, R Saha, S Chatterjee, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 6056, 2020
Strain-path controlled microstructure, texture and hardness evolution in cryo-deformed AlCoCrFeNi2. 1 eutectic high entropy alloy
A Patel, I Wani, SR Reddy, S Narayanaswamy, A Lozinko, R Saha, S Guo, ...
Intermetallics 97, 12-21, 2018
Texture and grain growth characteristics in a boron added interstitial free steel after severe cold rolling and annealing
R Saha, RK Ray
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (7-8), 1882-1890, 2010
Dynamic microstructural evolution and recrystallization mechanism during hot deformation of intermetallic-hardened duplex lightweight steel
YH Mozumder, KA Babu, R Saha, VS Sarma, S Mandal
Materials Science and Engineering: A 788, 139613, 2020
Tuning nanostructure using thermo-mechanical processing for enhancing mechanical properties of complex intermetallic containing CoCrFeNi2. 1Nbx high entropy alloys
U Sunkari, SR Reddy, BDS Rathod, D Kumar, R Saha, S Chatterjee, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 769, 138489, 2020
Microstructural design by severe warm-rolling for tuning mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeNi2. 1 eutectic high entropy alloy
SR Reddy, U Sunkari, A Lozinko, R Saha, S Guo, PP Bhattacharjee
Intermetallics 114, 106601, 2019
Waste steel scrap to nanostructured powder and superior compact through powder metallurgy: Powder generation, processing and characterization
P Verma, R Saha, D Chaira
Powder Technology 326, 159-167, 2018
Effect of severe cold rolling and annealing on the development of texture, microstructure and grain boundary character distribution in an interstitial free (IF) steel
R Saha
ISIJ international 48 (7), 976-983, 2008
Microstructure and texture of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy (MEA) processed by severe cryo-rolling: a study vis-a-vis cold-rolling
J Saha, R Saha, SRK Malladi, PP Bhattacharjee
Intermetallics 138, 107345, 2021
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