Gabriel Oliver-Codina
Gabriel Oliver-Codina
Universitat de les Illes Balears
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Visual navigation for mobile robots: A survey
F Bonin-Font, A Ortiz, G Oliver
Journal of intelligent and robotic systems 53, 263-296, 2008
Path planning of autonomous underwater vehicles in current fields with complex spatial variability: an A* approach
B Garau, A Alvarez, G Oliver
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international conference on robotics and …, 2005
Intervention AUVs: the next challenge
P Ridao, M Carreras, D Ribas, PJ Sanz, G Oliver
Annual Reviews in Control 40, 227-241, 2015
Optical sensors and methods for underwater 3D reconstruction
M Massot-Campos, G Oliver-Codina
Sensors 15 (12), 31525-31557, 2015
A vision system for an underwater cable tracker
A Ortiz, M Simó, G Oliver
Machine vision and applications 13, 129-140, 2002
Reconfigurable AUV for intervention missions: a case study on underwater object recovery
M Prats, D Ribas, N Palomeras, JC García, V Nannen, S Wirth, ...
Intelligent Service Robotics 5, 19-31, 2012
Imaging systems for advanced underwater vehicles
F Bonin, A Burguera, G Oliver
Journal of Maritime Research 8 (1), 65-86, 2011
TRIDENT An European project targeted to increase the autonomy levels for underwater intervention missions
PJ Sanz, P Ridao, G Oliver, G Casalino, Y Petillot, C Silvestre, ...
2013 OCEANS-San Diego, 1-10, 2013
AUV navigation through turbulent ocean environments supported by onboard H-ADCP
B Garau, A Alvarez, G Oliver
Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2006
Sonar sensor models and their application to mobile robot localization
A Burguera, Y González, G Oliver
Sensors 9 (12), 10217-10243, 2009
I-AUV docking and intervention in a subsea panel
N Palomeras, A Penalver, M Massot-Campos, G Vallicrosa, PL Negre, ...
2014 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2014
Visual sensing for autonomous underwater exploration and intervention tasks
F Bonin-Font, G Oliver, S Wirth, M Massot, PL Negre, JP Beltran
Ocean Engineering 93, 25-44, 2015
Multi-robot coalition formation in real-time scenarios
J Guerrero, G Oliver
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 60 (10), 1295-1307, 2012
High-resolution underwater mapping using side-scan sonar
A Burguera, G Oliver
PloS one 11 (1), e0146396, 2016
Multi-robot task allocation strategies using auction-like mechanisms
J Guerrero, G Oliver
Artificial Research and Development in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence …, 2003
On the use of the overlapping area matrix for image segmentation evaluation: A survey and new performance measures
A Ortiz, G Oliver
Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (16), 1916-1926, 2006
Cluster-based loop closing detection for underwater slam in feature-poor regions
PL Negre, F Bonin-Font, G Oliver
2016 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2589-2595, 2016
Visual odometry for autonomous underwater vehicles
S Wirth, PLN Carrasco, GO Codina
2013 MTS/IEEE OCEANS-Bergen, 1-6, 2013
On the use of likelihood fields to perform sonar scan matching localization
A Burguera, Y González, G Oliver
Autonomous Robots 26, 203-222, 2009
TRIDENT: A framework for autonomous underwater intervention missions with dexterous manipulation capabilities
PJ Sanz, P Ridao, G Oliver, C Melchiorri, G Casalino, C Silvestre, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (16), 187-192, 2010
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