Gesine Witt
Gesine Witt
Professor of Environmental Chemistry
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water and sediment of the Baltic Sea
G Witt
Marine Pollution Bulletin 31 (4-12), 237-248, 1995
Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: Scientific rationale supporting use of freely dissolved concentrations
P Mayer, TF Parkerton, RG Adams, JG Cargill, J Gan, T Gouin, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 10 (2), 197-209, 2014
Occurrence and transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water bodies of the Baltic Sea
G Witt
Marine Chemistry 79 (2), 49-66, 2002
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of the Baltic Sea and of the German coastal waters
G Witt, E Trost
Chemosphere 38 (7), 1603-1614, 1999
Material transport from the near shore to the basinal environment in the southern Baltic Sea: II: synthesis of data on origin and properties of material
K Emeis, C Christiansen, K Edelvang, S Jähmlich, J Kozuch, M Laima, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 35 (3-4), 151-168, 2002
Material transport from the nearshore to the basinal environment in the southern Baltic Sea: I. Processes and mass estimates
C Christiansen, K Edelvang, K Emeis, G Graf, S Jähmlich, J Kozuch, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 35 (3-4), 133-150, 2002
Matrix solid-phase microextraction for measuring freely dissolved concentrations and chemical activities of PAHs in sediment cores from the western Baltic Sea
G Witt, GA Liehr, D Borck, P Mayer
Chemosphere 74 (4), 522-529, 2009
Passive equilibrium sampler for in situ measurements of freely dissolved concentrations of hydrophobic organic chemicals in sediments
G Witt, SC Lang, D Ullmann, G Schaffrath, D Schulz-Bull, P Mayer
Environmental science & technology 47 (14), 7830-7839, 2013
Ecotoxicity assessment of natural attenuation effects at a historical dumping site in the western Baltic Sea
T Leipe, M Kersten, S Heise, C Pohl, G Witt, G Liehr, M Zettler, F Tauber
Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (4), 446-459, 2005
Polymers as reference partitioning phase: polymer calibration for an analytically operational approach to quantify multimedia phase partitioning
D Gilbert, G Witt, F Smedes, P Mayer
Analytical chemistry 88 (11), 5818-5826, 2016
Equilibrium passive sampling as a tool to study polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Baltic Sea sediment pore-water systems
SC Lang, A Hursthouse, P Mayer, D Kötke, I Hand, D Schulz-Bull, G Witt
Marine pollution bulletin 101 (1), 296-303, 2015
Strategies for transferring mixtures of organic contaminants from aquatic environments into bioassays
A Jahnke, P Mayer, S Schäfer, G Witt, N Haase, BI Escher
Environmental science & technology 50 (11), 5424-5431, 2016
Using fluffy layer material to study the fate of particle-bound organic pollutants in the southern Baltic Sea
G Witt, T Leipe, KC Emeis
Environmental science & technology 35 (8), 1567-1573, 2001
Das Oderhaff
T Leipe, J Eidam, R Lampe, H Meyer, T Neumann, A Osadczuk, W Janke, ...
Beiträge zur Rekonstruktion der holozänen geologischen Entwicklung und …, 1998
The ocean quahog Arctica islandica L.: a bioindicator for contaminated sediments
GA Liehr, ML Zettler, T Leipe, G Witt
Marine biology 147, 671-679, 2005
The consequences of the Oder flood in 1997 on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Oder River estuary
G Witt, H Siegel
Marine Pollution Bulletin 40 (12), 1124-1131, 2000
Uptake and absorption of fluoranthene from spiked microplastics into the digestive gland tissues of blue mussels, Mytilus edulis L.
N Stollberg, SD Kröger, M Reininghaus, J Forberger, G Witt, M Brenner
Chemosphere 279, 130480, 2021
The impact of salt water inflows on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the deep water of the Baltic Sea
G Witt, W Matthäus
Marine Chemistry 74 (4), 279-301, 2001
Miniaturised marine algae test with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons− comparing equilibrium passive dosing and nominal spiking
NC Niehus, C Floeter, H Hollert, G Witt
Aquatic toxicology 198, 190-197, 2018
Bioavailability and distribution of PAHs and PCBs in the sediment pore water of the German Bight and Wadden Sea
NC Niehus, B Brockmeyer, G Witt
Marine pollution bulletin 138, 421-427, 2019
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