Sven Strickroth
Sven Strickroth
Professor of Computer Science (Technology-Enhanced Learning), LMU Munich, Germany
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A review of AI-supported tutoring approaches for learning programming
NT Le, S Strickroth, S Gross, N Pinkwart
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering, 267-279, 2013
PLATON: Developing a Graphical Lesson Planning System for Prospective Teachers
S Strickroth
Education Sciences 9 (4), 254, 2019
Das GATE-System: Qualitätssteigerung durch Selbsttests für Studenten bei der Onlineabgabe von Übungsaufgaben?
S Strickroth, H Olivier, N Pinkwart
DeLFI 2011-Die 9. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2011
Building a Corpus of Task-based Grading and Feedback Systems for Learning and Teaching Programming
S Strickroth, M Striewe
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 2022
Teaching UML Skills to Novice Programmers Using a Sample Solution Based Intelligent Tutoring System.
J Schramm, S Strickroth, NT Le, N Pinkwart
FLAIRS Conference, 2012
AI-enhanced Auto-correction of Programming Exercises: How Effective is GPT-3.5?
I Azaiz, O Deckarm, S Strickroth
iJEP 13 (8), 2023
ProFormA: An XML-based exchange format for programming tasks
S Strickroth, M Striewe, O Müller, U Priss, S Becker, O Rod, R Garmann, ...
eleed 11 (1), 2015
High quality recommendations for small communities: the case of a regional parent network
S Strickroth, N Pinkwart
Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 107-114, 2012
Feedback-Generation for Programming Exercises With GPT-4
I Azaiz, N Kiesler, S Strickroth
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) 1, 31-37, 2024
The Future of Higher Education Is Social and Personalized! Experience Report and Perspectives.
S Strickroth, F Bry
CSEDU (1), 389-396, 2022
Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für die computerbasierte Planung von Unterricht: ein graphischer, zeitbasierter Ansatz mit automatischem Feedback
S Strickroth
Dissertation, Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2016
Supporting the Semi-Automatic Feedback Provisioning on Programming Assignments
S Strickroth, F Holzinger
MIS4TEL2022, 2022
Game-based promotion of motivation and attention for socio-emotional training in autism: Exploring the secrets of facial expressions by combining minecraft and a mobile app
S Strickroth, D Zoerner, T Moebert, A Morgiel, U Lucke
i-com 19 (1), 17-30, 2020
Managing the Transition of Educational Technology from a Research Project to Productive Use.
D Bußler, U Lucke, S Strickroth, L Weihmann
Software Engineering (Satellite Events), 2021
How Instructors Incorporate Generative AI into Teaching Computing
J Prather, J Leinonen, N Kiesler, JG Benario, S Lau, S MacNeil, N Norouzi, ...
Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science …, 2024
Softwaresupport für die graphische, zeitbasierte Planung von Unterrichtseinheiten
S Strickroth, N Pinkwart
DeLFI 2014-Die 12. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2014
Does Peer Code Review Change My Mind on My Submission?
S Strickroth
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), 2023
Security Considerations for Java Graders
S Strickroth
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop" Automatische Bewertung von …, 2019
GATE-Ein System zur Verbesserung der Programmierausbildung und zur Unterstützung von Tutoren.
O Müller, S Strickroth
ABP, 2013
munter: Ein mobiles unterrichtsbegleitendes Unterstützungssystems für angehende Lehrpersonen
H Elfreich, S Strickroth
DELFI 2021, 337-342, 2021
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