Maria Fyta
Maria Fyta
Computational Biotechnology, RWTH-Aachen University
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Ab initio supercell calculations on nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond: Electronic structure and hyperfine tensors
A Gali, M Fyta, E Kaxiras
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (15), 155206, 2008
Ionic force field optimization based on single-ion and ion-pair solvation properties: Going beyond standard mixing rules
M Fyta, RR Netz
The Journal of chemical physics 136 (12), 2012
Force fields for divalent cations based on single-ion and ion-pair properties
S Mamatkulov, M Fyta, RR Netz
The Journal of chemical physics 138 (2), 2013
MUPHY: A parallel MUlti PHYsics/scale code for high performance bio-fluidic simulations
M Bernaschi, S Melchionna, S Succi, M Fyta, E Kaxiras, JK Sircar
Computer Physics Communications 180 (9), 1495-1502, 2009
Multiscale coupling of molecular dynamics and hydrodynamics: application to DNA translocation through a nanopore
MG Fyta, S Melchionna, E Kaxiras, S Succi
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 5 (4), 1156-1173, 2006
Hydrodynamic correlations in the translocation of a biopolymer through a nanopore: Theory and multiscale simulations
M Fyta, S Melchionna, S Succi, E Kaxiras
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (3 …, 2008
Ionic force field optimization based on single-ion and ion-pair solvation properties
M Fyta, I Kalcher, J Dzubiella, L Vrbka, RR Netz
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (2), 2010
Insights into the fracture mechanisms and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon
MG Fyta, IN Remediakis, PC Kelires, DA Papaconstantopoulos
Physical review letters 96 (18), 185503, 2006
Translocation of biomolecules through solid‐state nanopores: Theory meets experiments
M Fyta, S Melchionna, S Succi
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 49 (14), 985-1011, 2011
Translocation of biomolecules through solid‐state nanopores: Theory meets experiments
M Fyta, S Melchionna, S Succi
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 49 (14), 985-1011, 2011
Threading DNA through nanopores for biosensing applications
M Fyta
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (27), 273101, 2015
Hybrid 2D nanodevices (graphene/h-BN): selecting NO x gas through the device interface
FAL de Souza, G Sivaraman, J Hertkorn, RG Amorim, M Fyta, WL Scopel
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (15), 8905-8911, 2019
Ab initio determination of coarse-grained interactions in double-stranded DNA
CW Hsu, M Fyta, G Lakatos, S Melchionna, E Kaxiras
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (10), 2012
Energetics and stability of nanostructured amorphous carbon
MG Fyta, IN Remediakis, PC Kelires
Physical Review B 67 (3), 035423, 2003
The properties of residual water molecules in ionic liquids: a comparison between direct and inverse Kirkwood–Buff approaches
T Kobayashi, JESJ Reid, S Shimizu, M Fyta, J Smiatek
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (29), 18924-18937, 2017
Diamondoid-functionalized gold nanogaps as sensors for natural, mutated, and epigenetically modified DNA nucleotides
G Sivaraman, RG Amorim, RH Scheicher, M Fyta
Nanoscale 8 (19), 10105-10112, 2016
High flux and CO2-resistance of La0. 6Ca0. 4Co1–xFexO3− δ oxygen-transporting membranes
G Chen, W Liu, M Widenmeyer, P Ying, M Dou, W Xie, C Bubeck, L Wang, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 590, 117082, 2019
Aqueous Mixtures of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids: Entropy-Driven Accumulation of Water Molecules at Interfaces
T Kobayashi, A Kemna, M Fyta, B Braunschweig, J Smiatek
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (22), 13795-13803, 2019
Structure, stability, and stress properties of amorphous and nanostructured carbon films
MG Fyta, C Mathioudakis, G Kopidakis, PC Kelires
Thin Solid Films 482 (1-2), 56-62, 2005
Deep learning for nanopore ionic current blockades
Á Díaz Carral, M Ostertag, M Fyta
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (4), 2021
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Articles 1–20