Nane Kratzke
Nane Kratzke
Professor for Computer Science, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences
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Understanding cloud-native applications after 10 years of cloud computing-a systematic mapping study
N Kratzke, PC Quint
Journal of Systems and Software 126, 1-16, 2017
A brief history of cloud application architectures
N Kratzke
Applied Sciences 8 (8), 1368, 2018
About microservices, containers and their underestimated impact on network performance
N Kratzke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.04049, 2017
Clouns-a cloud-native application reference model for enterprise architects
N Kratzke, R Peinl
2016 IEEE 20th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2016
A lightweight virtualization cluster reference architecture derived from open source paas platforms
N Kratzke
Open Journal of Mobile Computing and Cloud Computing 1 (2), 17-30, 2014
Lightweight virtualization cluster how to overcome cloud vendor lock-in
N Kratzke
Journal of Computer and Communications 2 (12), 1, 2014
Towards distributed clouds: A review about the evolution of centralized cloud computing, distributed ledger technologies, and a foresight on unifying opportunities and security …
M Westerlund, N Kratzke
2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2018
Towards cloud-native simulations–lessons learned from the front-line of cloud computing
N Kratzke, R Siegfried
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 18 (1), 39-58, 2021
About automatic benchmarking of iaas cloud service providers for a world of container clusters
N Kratzke, PC Quint
Journal of Cloud Computing Research 1 (1), 16-34, 2015
Smuggling multi-cloud support into cloud-native applications using elastic container platforms
N Kratzke
International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science 2, 57-70, 2017
Towards a lightweight multi-cloud DSL for elastic and transferable cloud-native applications
PC Quint, N Kratzke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03562, 2018
The# btw17 Twitter dataset–recorded tweets of the federal election campaigns of 2017 for the 19th German Bundestag
N Kratzke
Data 2 (4), 34, 2017
ppbench - A Visualizing Network Benchmark for Microservices
N Kratzke, PC Quint
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and …, 2016
Cloud Computing Costs and Benefits: An IT Management Point of View
N Kratzke
Cloud Computing and Services Science, 185-203, 2012
Monitoring of reliability in Bayesian identification
M Kruger, N Kratzke
2009 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1241-1248, 2009
About the complexity to transfer cloud applications at runtime and how container platforms can contribute?
N Kratzke
Cloud Computing and Service Science: 7th International Conference, CLOSER …, 2018
Investigation of impacts on network performance in the advance of a microservice design
N Kratzke, PC Quint
Cloud Computing and Services Science: 6th International Conference, CLOSER …, 2017
Overcome vendor lock-in by integrating already available container technologies towards transferability in cloud computing for smes
PC Quint, N Kratzke
Cloud Computing 50, 2016
Volunteer down: How covid-19 created the largest idling supercomputer on earth
N Kratzke
Future Internet 12 (6), 98, 2020
How to operate container clusters more efficiently
N Kratzke, PC Quint
International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services 8 (3&4), 203-214, 2015
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Artikel 1–20