Georg Stillfried
Georg Stillfried
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Human hand modelling: kinematics, dynamics, applications
A Gustus, G Stillfried, J Visser, H Jörntell, P van der Smagt
Biological cybernetics 106, 741-755, 2012
Robotics of human movements
P van der Smagt, M Grebenstein, H Urbanek, N Fligge, M Strohmayr, ...
Journal of Physiology-Paris 103 (3-5), 119-132, 2009
Movement model of a human hand based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
G Stillfried, P van der Smagt
A data-driven kinematic model of the human hand with soft-tissue artifact compensation mechanism for grasp synergy analysis
M Gabiccini, G Stillfried, H Marino, M Bianchi
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
MRI-based skeletal hand movement model
G Stillfried, U Hillenbrand, M Settles, P van der Smagt
The human hand as an inspiration for robot hand development, 49-75, 2014
Key insights into hand biomechanics: human grip stiffness can be decoupled from force by cocontraction and predicted from electromyography
H Höppner, M Große-Dunker, G Stillfried, J Bayer, P Van Der Smagt
Frontiers in neurorobotics 11, 17, 2017
Human-robotic variable-stiffness grasps of small-fruit containers are successful even under severely impaired sensory feedback
M Haas, W Friedl, G Stillfried, H Höppner
Frontiers in neurorobotics 12, 70, 2018
Multi-body simulation of a human thumb joint by sliding surfaces
A Synek, M Settles, G Stillfried
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012
Reconstructing human hand pose and configuration using a fixed-base exoskeleton
A Pereira, G Stillfried, T Baker, A Schmidt, A Maier, B Pleintinger, Z Chen, ...
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3514-3520, 2019
Using MRI data to compute a hand kinematic model
P van der Smagt, G Stillfried
9th conference on motion and vibration control (MOVIC), München, Germany, 2008
Kinematic modelling of the human hand for robotics
G von Stillfried-Rattonitz, GNC Dominik
Technische Universität München, 2015
Elastic elements in a wrist prosthesis for drumming reduce muscular effort, but increase imprecision and perceived stress
G Stillfried, J Stepper, H Neppl, J Vogel, H Höppner
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 12, 9, 2018
Robotics of human movements
M Grebenstein, H Urbanek, N Fligge, M Strohmayr, G Stillfried, J Parrish, ...
Journal of Physiology-Paris 103, 119-132, 2009
Kinematische Simulation einer menschlichen Hand
G Stillfried
TU München, 2009
Human hand kinematics based on MRI imaging
G Stillfried, P van der Smagt
Understanding the Human Hand for Advancing Robotic Manipulation Workshop at …, 2009
Exodex adam—a reconfigurable dexterous haptic user interface for the whole hand
NY Lii, A Pereira, J Dietl, G Stillfried, A Schmidt, H Beik-Mohammadi, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 716598, 2022
Grasp synergies: Data gathering and analysis
M Gabiccini, G Stillfried, H Marino, M Bianchi
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ISSN: 1042-296X), 2013
Using MRT data to compute a hand kinematic model
P Smagt, G Stillfried
Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC), 2008
Mechanical arm joint
Z Chen, X Su, Y Zaho, Q Wang, G Stillfried
US Patent App. 17/780,606, 2023
Using MRT data to compute a hand kinematic model
G Stillfried
Proceedings of MOVIC 2008, 2008
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