Christian Gold
Christian Gold
Institute of Ergonomics
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“Take over!” How long does it take to get the driver back into the loop?
C Gold, D Damböck, L Lorenz, K Bengler
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
How traffic situations and non-driving related tasks affect the take-over quality in highly automated driving
J Radlmayr, C Gold, L Lorenz, M Farid, K Bengler
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Taking over control from highly automated vehicles in complex traffic situations: The role of traffic density
C Gold, M Körber, D Lechner, K Bengler
Human factors 58 (4), 642-652, 2016
Trust in automation–before and after the experience of take-over scenarios in a highly automated vehicle
C Gold, M Körber, C Hohenberger, D Lechner, K Bengler
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 3025-3032, 2015
The influence of age on the take-over of vehicle control in highly automated driving
M Körber, C Gold, D Lechner, K Bengler
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 39, 19-32, 2016
Modeling take-over performance in level 3 conditionally automated vehicles
C Gold, R Happee, K Bengler
Accident Analysis & Prevention 116, 3-13, 2018
How the duration of automated driving influences take-over performance and gaze behavior
A Feldhütter, C Gold, S Schneider, K Bengler
Advances in ergonomic design of systems, products and processes: Proceedings …, 2017
Utilization of drivetime–performing non-driving related tasks while driving highly automated
C Gold, I Berisha, K Bengler
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 59 (1 …, 2015
Take-over performance in evasive manoeuvres
R Happee, C Gold, J Radlmayr, S Hergeth, K Bengler
Accident Analysis & Prevention 106, 211-222, 2017
Testing scenarios for human factors research in level 3 automated vehicles
C Gold, F Naujoks, J Radlmayr, H Bellem, O Jarosch
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 …, 2018
Partially automated driving as a fallback level of high automation
C Gold, D Damböck, K Bengler, L Lorenz
6. tagung fahrerassistenzsysteme, 2013
Taking over control from highly automated vehicles
C Gold, K Bengler
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Part II 8, 64, 2014
Expert-based controllability assessment of control transitions from automated to manual driving
F Naujoks, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, O Jarosch, C Gold
MethodsX 5, 579-592, 2018
Trust in automation as a matter of media influence and experi-ence of automated vehicles
A Feldhütter, C Gold, A Hüger, K Bengler
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
Modeling of Take-Over Performance in Highly Automated Vehicle Guidance
C Gold
Institute of Ergonomics, Technical University of Munich, 2017
Influence of automated brake application on take-over situations in highly automated driving scenarios
C Gold, L Lorenz, K Bengler
Proceedings of the FISITA 2014 world automotive congress, 2014
Systemergonomie des Fahrzeugs
H Bubb, K Bengler, RE Grünen, M Vollrath, H Bubb, K Bengler, ...
Automobilergonomie, 259-344, 2015
The influence of driver fatigue on take-over performance in highly automated vehicles
C Kreuzmair, C Gold, ML Meyer
25th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles …, 2017
The impact of non-driving related tasks on take-over performance in conditionally automated driving–a review of the empirical evidence
O Jarosch, C Gold, F Naujoks, B Wandtner, C Marberger, G Weidl, ...
9. Tagung Automatisiertes Fahren, 2019
Identifying customer-oriented key aspects of perception with focus on longitudinal vehicle dynamics
T Müller, C Gold, A Eichinger, K Bengler
4th International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2012
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