Hans De Witte
Hans De Witte
Full Professor Work Psychology, KU Leuven, Belgium
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Job insecurity and psychological well-being: Review of the literature and exploration of some unresolved issues
HD Witte
European Journal of work and Organizational psychology 8 (2), 155-177, 1999
Explaining the relationships between job characteristics, burnout, and engagement: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction
A Van den Broeck, M Vansteenkiste, H De Witte, W Lens
Work & stress 22 (3), 277-294, 2008
Capturing autonomy, competence, and relatedness at work: Construction and initial validation of the Work‐related Basic Need Satisfaction scale
A Van den Broeck, M Vansteenkiste, H De Witte, B Soenens, W Lens
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 83 (4), 981-1002, 2010
Job insecurity: Review of the international literature on definitions, prevalence, antecedents and consequences
H De Witte
SA journal of Industrial Psychology 31 (4), 1-6, 2005
On the relations among work value orientations, psychological need satisfaction and job outcomes: A self‐determination theory approach
M Vansteenkiste, B Neyrinck, CP Niemiec, B Soenens, H De Witte, ...
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 80 (2), 251-277, 2007
Not all job demands are equal: Differentiating job hindrances and job challenges in the Job Demands–Resources model
A Van den Broeck, N De Cuyper, H De Witte, M Vansteenkiste
European journal of work and organizational psychology 19 (6), 735-759, 2010
An ultra-short measure for work engagement
WB Schaufeli, A Shimazu, J Hakanen, M Salanova, H De Witte
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2017
Objective'vssubjective'job insecurity: Consequences of temporary work for job satisfaction and organizational commitment in four European countries
H De Witte, K Näswall
Economic and industrial democracy 24 (2), 149-188, 2003
Literature review of theory and research on the psychological impact of temporary employment: Towards a conceptual model
N De Cuyper, J De Jong, H De Witte, K Isaksson, T Rigotti, R Schalk
International Journal of Management Reviews 10 (1), 25-51, 2008
The impact of job insecurity and contract type on attitudes, well‐being and behavioural reports: a psychological contract perspective
N De Cuyper, H De Witte
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 79 (3), 395-409, 2006
Employability and Employees’ Well‐Being: Mediation by Job Insecurity1
ND Cuyper, C Bernhard‐Oettel, E Berntson, HD Witte, B Alarco
Applied Psychology 57 (3), 488-509, 2008
Review of 30 years of longitudinal studies on the association between job insecurity and health and well‐being: Is there causal evidence?
H De Witte, J Pienaar, N De Cuyper
Australian Psychologist 51 (1), 18-31, 2016
Defining perceived employability: a psychological approach
D Vanhercke, N De Cuyper, E Peeters, H De Witte
Personnel Review 43 (4), 592-605, 2014
Job insecurity, extrinsic and intrinsic job satisfaction and affective organisational commitment of maintenance workers in a parastatal
JH Buitendach, H De Witte
South African Journal of Business Management 36 (2), 27-37, 2005
Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)—development, validity, and reliability
WB Schaufeli, S Desart, H De Witte
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (24), 9495, 2020
On the relation of job insecurity, job autonomy, innovative work behaviour and the mediating effect of work engagement
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, H De Witte, W Niesen, G Van Hootegem
Creativity and innovation management 23 (3), 318-330, 2014
Should I stay or should I go? Examining longitudinal relations among job resources and work engagement for stayers versus movers
AH De Lange, H De Witte, G Notelaers
Work & Stress 22 (3), 201-223, 2008
The Job Insecurity Scale: A psychometric evaluation across five European countries
T Vander Elst, H De Witte, N De Cuyper
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (3), 364-380, 2014
A qualitative study on the development of workplace bullying: Towards a three way model
E Baillien, I Neyens, H De Witte, N De Cuyper
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 19 (1), 1-16, 2009
Who feels insecure in Europe? Predicting job insecurity from background variables
K Näswall, H De Witte
Economic and industrial democracy 24 (2), 189-215, 2003
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Articles 1–20