Ulrike de Brentani
Ulrike de Brentani
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Marketing, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University
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Innovative versus incremental new business services: different keys for achieving success
U de Brentani
Journal of Product Innovation Management 18 (3), 169-187, 2001
The fuzzy front end of new product development for discontinuous innovations: A theoretical model
SE Reid, U De Brentani
Journal of product innovation management 21 (3), 170-184, 2004
Success and failure in new industrial services
U De Brentani
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication of …, 1989
Success factors in developing new business services
U Brentani
European Journal of marketing 25 (2), 33-59, 1991
New industrial financial services: what distinguishes the winners
RG Cooper, U De Brentani
Journal of Product Innovation Management 8 (2), 75-90, 1991
Corporate culture and commitment: impact on performance of international new product development programs
U De Brentani, EJ Kleinschmidt
Journal of product innovation management 21 (5), 309-333, 2004
Performance of global new product development programs: a resource‐based view
EJ Kleinschmidt, U De Brentani, S Salomo
Journal of Product innovation management 24 (5), 419-441, 2007
New industrial service development: Scenarios for success and failure
U De Brentani
Journal of Business Research 32 (2), 93-103, 1995
Developing new business-to-business professional services: what factors impact performance?
U De Brentani, E Ragot
Industrial Marketing Management 25 (6), 517-530, 1996
The Fuzzy Front‐End of Discontinuous Innovation: Insights for Research and Management
U de Brentani, SE Reid
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (1), 2012
Success in global new product development: Impact of strategy and the behavioral environment of the firm
U De Brentani, EJ Kleinschmidt, S Salomo
Journal of product innovation management 27 (2), 143-160, 2010
Developing successful new financial services for businesses
U De Brentani, RG Cooper
Industrial Marketing Management 21 (3), 231-241, 1992
The new product process in financial services: strategy for success
U De Brentani
International Journal of Bank Marketing 11 (3), 15-22, 1993
How Formal Control Influences Decision‐Making Clarity and Innovation Performance
C Schultz, S Salomo, U de Brentani, EJ Kleinschmidt
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (3), 430-447, 2013
Criteria for screening new industrial products
RG Cooper, U De Brentani
Industrial Marketing Management 13 (3), 149-156, 1984
Market Vision and Market Visioning Competence: Impact on Early Performance for Radically New, High‐Tech Products*
SE Reid, U De Brentani
Journal of product innovation management 27 (4), 500-518, 2010
Managing new product development teams in a globally dispersed NPD program
S Salomo, EJ Keinschmidt, U De Brentani
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (7), 955-971, 2010
Market Vision and the Front End of NPD for Radical Innovation: The Impact of Moderating Effects
SE Reid, U de Brentani
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (S1), 124-139, 2012
Do firms need a custom‐designed new product screening model?
U de Brentani
Journal of Product Innovation Management 3 (2), 108-119, 1986
Divergent thinking and market visioning competence: An early front-end radical innovation success typology
SE Reid, U de Brentani, EJ Kleinschmidt
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (8), 1351-1361, 2014
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