Rodrigo Pérez-Dattari
Rodrigo Pérez-Dattari
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Interactive imitation learning in robotics: A survey
C Celemin, R Pérez-Dattari, E Chisari, G Franzese, L de Souza Rosa, ...
Foundations and Trends® in Robotics 10 (1-2), 1-197, 2022
Interactive learning with corrective feedback for policies based on deep neural networks
R Pérez-Dattari, C Celemin, J Ruiz-del-Solar, J Kober
Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics …, 2018
Interactive learning of temporal features for control: Shaping policies and state representations from human feedback
R Pérez-Dattari, C Celemin, G Franzese, J Ruiz-del-Solar, J Kober
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 27 (2), 46-54, 2020
Continuous control for high-dimensional state spaces: An interactive learning approach
R Pérez-Dattari, C Celemin, J Ruiz-del-Solar, J Kober
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7611-7617, 2019
Stable Motion Primitives via Imitation and Contrastive Learning
R Pérez-Dattari, J Kober
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 39, 20, 2023
Visually-guided motion planning for autonomous driving from interactive demonstrations
R Pérez-Dattari, B Brito, O de Groot, J Kober, J Alonso-Mora
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 116, 105277, 2022
Imitation Learning with Inconsistent Demonstrations through Uncertainty-based Data Manipulation
P Valletta, R Pérez-Dattari, J Kober
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3655-3661, 2021
Deep metric imitation learning for stable motion primitives
R Pérez-Dattari, C Della Santina, J Kober
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.12831, 2023
Robotic Packaging Optimization with Reinforcement Learning
E Drijver, R Pérez-Dattari, J Kober, C Della Santina, Z Ajanović
2023 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2023
Interactive Machine Learning Applied to Dribble a Ball in Soccer with Biped Robots
C Celemin, R Pérez-Dattari, J Ruiz-del-Solar, M Veloso
Robot World Cup, 363-375, 2017
Uchile robotics team team description for robocup 2017. 2017
K Lobos, G Azócar, N Cruz, R Pérez, P Miranda, F Leiva, C Celemın, ...
Leveraging LLMs, Graphs and Object Hierarchies for Task Planning in Large-Scale Environments
R Pérez-Dattari, Z Li, R Babuška, J Kober, C Della Santina
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.04775, 2024
Generalizable Robotic Imitation Learning: Interactive Learning and Inductive Bias
R Pérez-Dattari
Interactive learning with corrective feedback for continuous-action policies based on deep neural networks
RJ Pérez Dattari
Universidad de Chile, 2019
Safe and stable motion primitives via imitation learning and geometric fabrics
S Bakker, R Pérez-Dattari, C Della Santina, W Böhmer, J Alonso-Mora
A strategy to safe motion planning: Enhancing geometric fabrics with learned stable motion primitives
S Bakker, R Pérez-Dattari, C Della Santina, W Böhmer, J Alonso-Mora
Goalie Behaviors using Reinforcement Learning in Robotic Soccer
R Pérez-Dattari, K Lobos-Tsunekawa
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Articles 1–17