Edward Bolton
Edward Bolton
Senior Research Scientist, Yale University
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Expanding the role of reactive transport models in critical zone processes
L Li, K Maher, A Navarre-Sitchler, J Druhan, C Meile, C Lawrence, ...
Earth-science reviews 165, 280-301, 2017
An interferometric study of the dissolution kinetics of anorthite; the role of reactive surface area
A Luettge, EW Bolton, AC Lasaga
American journal of science 299 (7-9), 651-678, 1999
Evolution of the global carbon cycle and climate regulation on earth
TT Isson, NJ Planavsky, LA Coogan, EM Stewart, JJ Ague, EW Bolton, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34 (2), e2018GB006061, 2020
Instabilities of convection rolls with stress-free boundaries near threshold
FH Busse, EW Bolton
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 146, 115-125, 1984
The weathering of sedimentary organic matter as a control on atmospheric O2: II. Theoretical modeling
EW Bolton, RA Berner, ST Petsch
American Journal of Science 306 (8), 575-615, 2006
Oscillatory instabilities of convection rolls at intermediate Prandtl numbers
EW Bolton, FH Busse, RM Clever
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 164, 469-485, 1986
Long-term flow/chemistry feedback in a porous medium with heterogenous permeability; kinetic control of dissolution and precipitation
EW Bolton, AC Lasaga, DM Rye
American Journal of Science 299 (1), 1-68, 1999
A wavelet analysis of Plio‐Pleistocene climate indicators: A new view of periodicity evolution
EW Bolton, KA Maasch, JM Lilly
Geophysical Research Letters 22 (20), 2753-2756, 1995
The weathering of sedimentary organic matter as a control on atmospheric O2: I. Analysis of a black shale
RA Wildman, RA Berner, ST Petsch, EW Bolton, JO Eckert, U Mok, ...
American Journal of Science 304 (3), 234-249, 2004
Stability of convection rolls in a layer with stress-free boundaries
EW Bolton, FH Busse
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 150, 487-498, 1985
A model for the kinetic control of quartz dissolution and precipitation in porous media flow with spatially variable permeability: Formulation and examples of thermal convection
EW Bolton, AC Lasaga, DM Rye
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B10), 22157-22187, 1996
Blueschist preservation in a retrograded, high‐pressure, low‐temperature metamorphic terrane, Tinos, Greece: Implications for fluid flow paths in subduction zones
CM Breeding, JJ Ague, M Bröcker, EW Bolton
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4 (1), 2003
Nonlinear oscillatory convection: A quantitative phase dynamics approach
S Fauve, EW Bolton, ME Brachet
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 29 (1-2), 202-214, 1987
Convection driven by centrifugal bouyancy in a rotating annulus
MA Azouni, EW Bolton, FH Busse
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 34 (1-4), 301-317, 1985
Making sense of massive carbon isotope excursions with an inverse carbon cycle model
Y Miyazaki, NJ Planavsky, EW Bolton, CT Reinhard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (8), 2485-2496, 2018
A kinetic model of metamorphism: an application to siliceous dolomites
A Lüttge, EW Bolton, DM Rye
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 146, 546-565, 2004
Dissolution and precipitation via forced‐flux injection in a porous medium with spatially variable permeability: Kinetic control in two dimensions
EW Bolton, AC Lasaga, DM Rye
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B6), 12159-12171, 1997
Dynamic treatment of invariant and univariant reactions in metamorphic systems
AC Lasaga, A Luettge, DM Rye, EW Bolton
American Journal of Science 300 (3), 173-221, 2000
Precambrian “fossil” Vermiforma is a tectograph
A Seilacher, M Meschede, EW Bolton, H Luginsland
Geology 28 (3), 235-238, 2000
On carbon burial and net primary production through Earth’s history
NJ Planavsky, M Fakhraee, EW Bolton, CT Reinhard, TT Isson, S Zhang, ...
American Journal of Science 322 (3), 413-460, 2022
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